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10 Screenshots

About This File

It currently covers 528 backgrounds over the world, all playable competitions are included. Most with trophies or specific competition branding.


Steps to add to your game;

1. Download file

2. Unzip and place here: ‎⁨ 

[PC] Documents⁩ ▸ ⁨Sports Interactive⁩ ▸ ⁨Football Manager 2023 ▸ ⁨graphics⁩ ▸ ⁨backgrounds⁩ ▸ ⁨comp

[MAC] Users ▸ YOURNAME ▸ Library ▸ Application Support ▸ Sports Interactive ▸ Football Manager 2023 ▸ graphics ▸ backgrounds ▸ comp

3. Go to preferences, ensure "Reload skin when confirming changes in Preference" is ticked (you may need to clear your cache too), click "Reload Skin" and click "confirm" (bottom right).

Screenshots are for reference only, ignore the quality loss, that’s just the Apple Preview ruining them to fit them under the 10mb forum post limit, they are high quality in-game.

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

A fantastic selection of backgrounds which we are delighted to have here.

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