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Copywriter last won the day on February 10

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  1. Then is the OFB homepage not correct.
  2. New logo 16008944 See: https://vereine.oefb.at/AskoeGmuend/News/
  3. SC Enschede ID 2362. New logo (crown added)
  4. It is a Dutch footballclub with Turkish members. I think that it something means otherwise was it also red.
  5. New logo Austria Regional liga Ost id 136545
  6. Wrong logo for competitions Dutch vierde divisie: Id's: 862765. / 862766 / 862768 / 862769 or alt:
  7. New logo VV Heino id 37064956 Source: https://www.vvheino.nl/
  8. New logo SG Hrvati id 16114469 Source:https://vereine.oefb.at/HRVATI/News/
  9. According to the homepage from Sportverein Angerberg should also the name of the club be present in the logo ID:16074722 Source: https://vereine.oefb.at/SvAngerberg/News/ logo in the pack logo on the homepage
  10. Litle change in logo ESV Admira Villach ID 16033087: New is the football, old was the logo from the railway company. The club is as railway football club. Source: https://vereine.oefb.at/EsvAdmiraVillach/News/ Old: New:
  11. Wrong logo, in the pack is the logo in the pack is from the GVVV woman Id: 2345 Source: https://www.gvvv.nl/
  12. Wrong logo Asko Jabing id 16078283 Source: https://vereine.oefb.at/ASKOEJABING/News/
  13. Wrong logo in the pack is the logo of Leobensdorf Germany this is the correct logo for Leobensdorf Austria id 5609584 New logo Union Gurten id 16010448 Source: https://www.union-gurten.at/
  14. New logo id 16009483 Source: https://vereine.oefb.at/SCKittsee/News/
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