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Game installed on D: drive problems


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So I keep all my games on the D drive due to my C drive not having a lot of space.  Downloaded the packs and installed them under a "Graphics" folder, which I created in the data folder.  So in the Graphics folder are "FMG Standard Logos 2022" and "Steel Logos Megapack" folders which were both downloaded from this site.  The game under preferences does not see either folder.

I then followed a mklink method of linking the folders that I found on reddit.  That didn't work either.  Tried it by linking to both the data and graphics folders.

I'm pretty frustrated right now.  Doesn't seem like this should be this involved.  Like maybe there should be an easier way to do this.  When I hit the dropdown tab in preferences there is only the default option.  Would appreciate any help in figuring this out so I can enjoy this wonderful game.

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Hey @Boondog,


On FM preferences screen, you should be able to see the location file, all you need is just select "Football Manager 2022" folder.

However, if you have 2 logos packs in one folder, it could conflict the game reading the data. Try and moving one of your logo pack to my documents.

If you still need help, reply back here or DM me.


Hope this helps!

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