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Irons last won the day on March 30 2024

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  1. Hello everyone, I inform you that a new update is available for the All'in'One, it includes in particular and as you have seen, the French regional leagues and the competitions relating to these lower divisions with a total of more than 2000 logos. There are also many additions for Germany, Brazil, Scotland and the Scandinavian countries, without revealing everything ! Have fun and see you soon !
  2. Version 24.2


    In addition to the two updates already offered since the release of Football Manager 2024, I offer you a download of an All'in'One Megapack bringing together the initial pack as well as the two updates published at the beginning of December and the end of May, i.e. yesterday. This can avoid some inconveniences and bugs that some people report. I wish you an excellent gaming experience, and do not hesitate to give me feedback if you notice any anomalies or improvements that you would like to see in a future update. See you soon.
  3. Version 24.2


    All'in'One 24.2 : + 5000 logos. Content : Algérie : Ligue 2 Angola : Girabola + Compétitions Cameroun : MTN Elite + Compétitions Côte d’Ivoire : Ligue 1 Lonaci + Compétitions Egypte : Second Division Ghana : BetPawa Premier League Guinée : Ligue 1 + Compétitions Lybie : Premier League + Compétition Mali : Ligue 1 + Compétitions Nigeria : Football League + Compétitions RD Congo : Vodacom Ligue 1 + Compétitions Soudan : Premier League + Compétitions Tanzanie : NBC Premier League + Compétitions Zambie : MTN Super League + Compétitions États-Unis : Adult Soccer Association, MLS Next Pro, USL Championship & USL League One Bolivie : Corrections Nacional C Brésil : Divisão Inferior (240 logos) Paraguay : Corrections Division Intermedia Uruguay : Division Amateur (45 logos) Corée du Sud : Correction du HD Ulsan Japon : Clubs Universitaires Allemagne : Division Amateur (300 logos) Angleterre : Update Bournemouth FC + Division Amateur (215 logos) Belgique : Division Amateur (55 logos) Danemark : Danmarksserien (110 logos) Écosse : Lower Leagues (140 logos) Espagne : Update Atletico Madrid Finlande : Division Amateur (20 logos) France : Update Martigues FC + Ligues Régionales (1900 logos) + Compétitions (280 logos) Grèce : Update Olympiakos Italie : Corrections (35 logos) Norvège : Norsk Ligaen (235 logos) Pologne : Corrections IV Liga Portugal : 2a Divisão (60 logos)
  4. Do you have the WinRAR application to unzip the folder ?
  5. Hi, I downloaded the file to check that the .RAR is correct, and I can clearly see the English leagues, attached as a screenshot :
  6. The All’In’One logos rose from their ashes last year, approaching the release of Football Manager 2023. And for what result in the end ? More than 100K downloads and a significant international reach with approximately 200K “viewers” between the sites and the various social networks. This year again, the objective is to offer you even more extensive content with clubs from distant countries and also more and more competitions, all with the aim of making your Football Manager as complete as possible from a point of view. FEATURES : All'in'One 24.1All'in'One 24.2
  7. Version 24.1


    The All’In’One logos rose from their ashes last year, approaching the release of Football Manager 2023. And for what result in the end ? More than 100K downloads and a significant international reach with approximately 200K “viewers” between the sites and the various social networks. This year again, the objective is to offer you even more extensive content with clubs from distant countries and also more and more competitions, all with the aim of making your Football Manager as complete as possible from a point of view. Features :
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