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About Bankje

  • Birthday 15/03/1994

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Bankje's Achievements

Youth Prospect

Youth Prospect (2/14)

  • One Month Later
  • Reacting Well Rare
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  1. Zovuni 2016 (id:2000218892) last missing logo in Armenia.
  2. KF Shkodra (id: 2000095183) last missing logo in Albania.
  3. SK Staden (id: 272) Wrong logo in game
  4. Barbaren/Barbarians for any fans of History. On netflix.
  5. KVV Thes Sport - id: 8160007 Logo in pack has wrong colors, this is the correct one Winkel Sport - id: 6600094 New/Updated logo VK Ninove - id: 3200574 Updated, color correction
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