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Fantasy Logos


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I have an interest in adding many fantasy logos for the new packs for those who like to switch things up when managing a team in 2055 or beyond. This can be any good quality logo from the web or that you've created in a minimum of 512px size.

The fantasy logos will be added to a new folder in the packs named Fantasy.

Anyone who wishes to help with this can contribute in here by posting the logo with I.D. number.

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Kosovo - ID 217945

federation logo


Norway - ID 786

team logo


Burkina Faso - ID 9

federation logo


KF Luz i Vogël 2008 - ID 2000032828


DFB-Pokal - ID 1301410


Somalia - ID 44

federation logo

not fantasy as such, but unofficial.

i loathe the trend that many federations and clubs resort to branding themselves in english, hoping to gain more traction and other possible benefits that way. i have made a number of logos for federations and clubs in the official language of the country they represent.


Cambodia - ID 118

federation logo


Vietnam - ID 145


Armenia - ID 754

federation logo


Georgia - ID 770

federation and team logo, respectively

1150576512_Georgia-.thumb.png.2fc53a0a0e1eb3ba76365e466525e65d.png 1169046058_TeamGeorgia--1.thumb.png.80a995b6a95cccb5337b56ec3e59f861.png

Israel - ID 775

federation logo


Kazakhstan - ID 119

federation logo



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