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Everything posted by GeorgeG

  1. If you could also provide one edit that features this exact elf face instead of the football so we can see what it looks like, that would be even more amazing! Only if you have the time and it’s not too much trouble.
  2. Hi Derek, thank you so much! Absolutely love these, they aren’t as cartoon-like as the original badge and feel much more real. One more idea has come up for us to compare with the badges you’ve already made so that we can pick between them - it’s becoming quite the debate! At the risk of being a nuisance could I please ask you to do one more edit for us? Would be hugely appreciated, this time a bit more in line with the stuff you usually do! We’ve got the CSKA badge (have attached an image) and would like to see what it looks like if we alter it for our team. Thanks again for all your hard work! Could you please: - change the letters to our club initials ‘SVME’ (same font) - change the red to green, and the blue to white (keep the gold trim) - change the 1911 to 2022 -change the ‘пфк’ at the bottom to ‘FC’ Do let me know, thank you!!
  3. Haha totally understand mate, the request is a bit out of the ordinary! Not your average badge that’s for sure. Genuinely really appreciate you taking the time out to do this and I respect you having made things and not being satisfied with the outcome! You’re a man of your art! I hope you can at least take some enjoyment from the challenge lol. I think what you do is awesome and we’re so excited to finally have a badge we can put on the kit. After arguing for days about our team name when entering the league, we settled on a random team name generator and Seaview Milk Elves is what it churned out! Definitely sets us apart from the rest lol, and makes us more determined to have a decent looking badge to go with it. Unfortunately that’s presented quite the challenge for yourself haha, keep me posted and I’m sure what you do will be great.
  4. Also whole club name doesn’t necessarily have to be in one line! Seaview at the top and Milk Elves at the bottom I realise might be better and/or for you to fit on nicely so go with what you think is best!
  5. Hi Derek thanks for getting back to me! sorry for not being clearer, love your work and would love you to make your own for us! The image sent in is a reference image to go along with the information provided. Didn’t mean to edit the specific image provided, just to make your own and include the specific changes I mentioned! If you’d prefer to edit the image for this one, let me know and I’ll get it over to you.
  6. Hi there! I have a request for a football badge for my 5-a-side team. Our name is the Seaview Milk Elves, we play in green and white vertical stripes. I have attached a reference badge made by AI which we like a lot but would like some minor tweaks made to it please! Keep the image of the elf and the sea in background and keep the green & white theme on the borders and banners please, but feel free to play around with it if you could give me a few variations that would be amazing! The 6 stars are not necessary - any number of stars if it looks good or none at all, whichever looks best. We like the bold font style, so something like this is great. Could you please: - Make it a traditional milk bottle that the elf has and make him hold it in one hand rather than balancing on the knee. - Correct the wrong spelling (Seaview, not ‘Saeviews’), also keep Seaview Milk Elves on one line - Change ‘EST’ to ‘EST.’ - Make is so that he has his foot (studs) on top of the ball, he does not need to be kneeling but he can stay knelt if it’s better - Change to plain white shorts. Also white socks with one green stripe at very top of them. - Change to regular green stereotypical elf hat, not Christmas-style one - Remove adidas-style branding on boots/kit - General small tweaks to make it look more traditional/realistic! Thank you so much!!
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