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Taludo last won the day on November 8 2021

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  1. I.D. number 1474 Os Belenenses All the logos are wrong. the correct one is:
  2. I.D. number 1474 Os Belenenses All the logos are wrong. The correct logo is the following:
  3. SC. VILA REAL I.D, 2401 The normal and small sizes of the logo is wrong. The correct logo is the follow
  4. You already have the correct logo on the pack. But only in the small size. In the normal size is the logo from another team with a similar name. But if you want i post the logo anyways
  5. Hello. I have a little correction for you guys. In Portugal there is a team with ID 7000008. In the small format of the logos you have the correct one, but in the normal size the logo is from another team with a similar name. I hope you can fix this one day.
  6. Hello. this pack have a error in the logos from Portugal. In Portugal there are two clubs named "belenenses" but one is "belenenses sad" and the other is "clube fubebol os belenenses. In the pack is the same logo for the two teams but in reality "clube futebol os belenenses" have a diferent logo. this is the logo for "clube fuutebol os belenenses. Hope you guys could make the correction.
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