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Everything posted by GingaMilla

  1. Beautiful! Thank you my man! Much appreciated. No problem re the kits, I'll see if I can do them.
  2. Afternoon, Derek! Any possibility of creating me a new logo & FC'12 kits for my Rotherham Town fantasy team when you find the time, please? Logo; Shape: Shield Colours:Brown(149,108,69), Blue(110,184,242) & White(255,255,255). Info: To inlude Rotherham coat of arms, anvil & Est. 2022 (not 2023 like the photo! My mistake!) Inlcuded a photo of the badge that I very embarrasingly drew!! Lol. Whichever you feel looks the best. Kits; Home colours: Primary; Brown(149,108,69), Secondary; Blue(110,184,242), Collar & trim; White(255,255,255). Away colours: Primary; Red(240,49,49), Secondary; White(255,255,255), Collar & trim; Black(0,0,0). Third colours: Primary; Blue(83,126,181), Collar & trim; White(255,255,255). Other info: Kit manufacturer logo to be Umbro if possible. A sponsor to be from a company in UK if possible & to blend in well with the kit(not a boxed sponsor). All colours are in RGB format. Hopefully I've made sense! Thanks
  3. @Derek Wow mate so many options! Now I gotta decide which one to use lol. Thank you ever so much for your work! Greatly appreciated! Can't seem to find the patreon, should it be under 'support' tab? Nothing showing
  4. @Derek Any possibly of creating a logo for my fantasy team? Attached a logo that I've had a go at doing myself, but I don't like it & not that experienced with photoshop. Colours on the logo made are the ones I want to use(Brown - 143/98/54. & Blue - 100/181/246)The centre can be anything really(chose the coat of arms as my preferred choice but if you can find something better that'll fit then brilliant). Also got kits created ready so if any possibility of making a 35x35px size logo too for it that'll be amazing. Anymore information please let me know! p.s - anywhere for me to donate towards fmg?
  5. Hi. Found an issue with WBA logo. Shows correctly on the league table(small) & as you can see below it's someone elses?
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