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  1. Thank you so much my friend!!!! Can i abuse a little with you with two more comissions? you can do it when you can of course. Take this logo, change the initials "FSGC" wih "ASC" thats all, in ING format and the second one is make this logo in ING format, please Thats all! Thank you very, very much!!!
  2. The logo is AWESOME! thank you so much!!! a last petition if you can can you make the same logo, but replacing the "V.f.B." with "FC"? i know, its little but i don't know how use photoshop or anything
  3. Hello, i have another commision please! I would like a modification of this logo to ING file if you can, please, and changing the year "1900" to "1934", to a German save, pleaaase Thank you very much in advance!
  4. This is awesome, thank you very much!!
  5. Hello, i want a redesign a logo of Santiago National FC in ING file, please - Logo shape: Circular - Logo colors: Red and White - Writings: Santiago National FC santiago_city_20220224_1640112880.jpg (900×900) (designfootball.com) - If you need detailed explanations: Its basically the same logo of the inserted image, but with other name and colors. Thanks you!
  6. Hello Can anyone help me with a logo from a custom club? Right now im playing with a custom club in Luxembourg called "Fussball Club Lëtzebuerg" and i imagine the logo similar to the scottish club "rangers" or the danish club "FC Kobenhavn", but with the luxembourgish red lion Just a circular shaped logo with the red lion in the center and the word "F.C. Lëtzebuerg", with the red, blue and white colors, just like rangers o Luxembourg NT Thanks in advance!!
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