Installation Guide & Feature Overview
Quite a few to mention, and I'm sure there will be some that I've missed. If I've inadvertently used something you believe I haven't credited please let me know!
tcsskin - An elder statesman of skinning, taught me a lot and been a wonderful sounding board. All round solid fella.
keysi - For all the assistance to my many skinning queries.
Wozzie - Tad Twenty was the first skin I used. Arguably to blame for me going down this rabbit hole!
Michaeltmurrayuk - For those base skins all those years ago.
wkdsoul - For all the assistance to my man skinning queries.
sebastian_starttrbts - For setting me down the path of pseudo-attributeless skinning.
Tyburn - Also for setting me down the path of pseudo-attributeless skinning.
_Ben_ - For being a fabulous sounding board and helping to push new ideas over the last 18 months.
Just Howie - For entertaining late night conversations on completely inconsequential skinning related nonsense.
Groot - For building my ego and helping me with various skinning queries.
Snowofman - For all the assistance to my many skinning queries.
a31632 - For being a master of buttons.
Jellico - For his consistent and constructive feedback.
VonTrips - For his consistent and constructive feedback, and assistance with Czech translations.
FERIA - For help with French translations.
Herr Jones - For help with Portuguese translations.
thebuildupplay - For help with Russian translations.
What is a Pizza Chart
What is an Archetype?
How Do I Change the Colour Scheme?
Where is Light Mode?
Some Words Are in English. How Do I Change This?
How Do I Change Attribute Ranges?
Will You Make a “Normal” Version with Numerical Attributes?
I Want [feature]. When Will You Add It?
Usage Rights
This skin is completely free for personal use, but may not be sold or placed behind a paywall. If you plan on using the skin publicly, or repurposing a unique element for your own released skin, you must provide credit and a link to this post.
If, for whatever reason, you are so enamoured with this skin you want to send me a coffee, feel free to donate via PayPal. I would like to stress there is no obligation whatsoever!