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  1. You said it yourself... It was not a penalty. I believe we have the right winner and the right team won the EUROS... It was very boring tournament as a whole though
  2. An update. Yesterday the licensing committee made the decision to again give Vitesse more time until 22 July to make their affairs in order. Vitesse and the intended new owner (Guus Franke) claim they have submitted all the right documents to the KNVB, there was an external accountant company who vetted Franke's finances, still the licensing committee is not convinced and wants to do more research on the source of his financial records, which would take 4 months. This angered Franke who has threatened to pull out if they don't make a final decision before 22 July. So big powerplay it is... Vitesse once again contacted Gelredome stadium owner Van der Kuijt to maybe step in if it all collapses. But he wants to cut into the finances more, and wants the interim directors to not get their expensive bonuses.
  3. Saturday we ate kebab, tonight we feast on fish & chips!
  4. I felt France played better than last matches, though Spain is the deserved winner. And what a goal by Yamal, holy shit!
  5. Any predictions, lads? From the beginning I have told myself it is going to be Netherlands vs France in the final, and we will prevail 2 1. Spain is the best team at the moment, in terms of playing, France not at their best, but I will still think they win. England (and Holland too) is about the same but I think we will win it narrowly.
  6. Again, England were lucky, the Swiss were better... Next is Holland, at least, I expect them to win
  7. An update on the situation at my club. There is an agreement between the soon to be new owner of the club and Coley Parry, they made the appeal just in time before midnight to the license committee. I am skeptical. Quite a lot. I said about Twente a couple of years ago, that in my opinion, they should lose their license, for 'cheating' and messing with the club's finances. With that in mind, and Vitesse being my club, I just can't say, my club should be saved, because they have virtually done the same. I am even surprised that anyone wants to invest in the club. Meanwhile the interim directors and some other employees earn several tons of money, say they can't cut costs any more, and point fingers at everyone else but themselves. Gambling on one horse, a big poker bluff play, to take over the club and invest. In my opinion nothing has been learned from the past, waiting for just one investor to take over, instead of cutting costs more. The club SHOULD have collapsed, horrible thing to say about my club, but that is my opinion. The appeal is in about a week and then we will see what will happen. Some media report the club is saved, but there still are a lot of things to be done. No banker, no accountant, for example
  8. The new investor has pulled out. I think this will be the end of my club, unless a miracle happens Edit: the investor is again with talks with Parry. Time is running out since the appeal deadline is this midnight
  9. What about Georgia beating Portugal? Sorry my English friends, but England is awful against Slovakia Edit: you are so fucking lucky..
  10. The club has been missmanaged for years so I am not surprised. Vitesse has two weeks to get it all in order. I seriously doubt they will make this new deadline. After all the new owner also has to explain where the money is from. If this is rejected the only way is to take it to court. It is like a big fucking poker play with only one hand
  11. A short update. Yesterday the KNVB decided to revoke the professional license of Vitesse, which means Vitesse cannot play professional football anymore. It did not come as a surprise, the budget Vitesse came up with is 6M too short, no bank account (due to previous Russian influence) and no accountant. Vitesse will appeal this decision, and hopefully in two weeks with the investor they found will reverse the decision. The investor, a millionaire with a billion dollar company in Switzerland, and from the region, seems to have a deal with Parry to solve the 14M debt the club has with him. He will probably (according to media and sources around the club) get almost all of his money back, and is willing to solve the club's budget for next season.
  12. This news is just in... There is a Dutch investor willing to solve the debts with Parry and invest millions to save the club. I am watching this with mixed feelings. As a fan, I don't want this club to just disappear, but... There is so much mismanagement dating back 25 years, why would anyone invest in a club who is, so to say, dead? For me, the current directors still want an investor and invest millions with no profit in return, instead of building up again. Seems to me nothing is learned from the past. Dont get me wrong, I would rather spend years in the first division, and focus on slowly building the club back up, than this happening all over again in a few years time. In my opinion there is much to gain, the fanbase IS RIGHT THERE, but with all this shady business and mismanagement, I cannot blame fans for staying away. Get back to the basics. Cut in the finances, don't rely on an investor etcetera
  13. A little update regarding my club... The planned takeover of American investor Coley Parry and his Common Group has collapsed, the licensing committee, and the KNVB even gave Vitesse a fine for giving misleading information. At that point Vitesse was already (near) bottom Eredivisie, and later received an 18 point deduction, relegating them officially to the First Division. All in all... The club has accumulated a debt of 19M, with a little over 14M is owed to Parry's Common Group. In short, Vitesse is about to lose their professional license due to years and years of mismanagement. All previous directors have now left the club and now others are trying to save the club. Tomorrow we will hear if Vitesse will keep their pro license, it is most likely it will be invoked...
  14. England will never win, and what a goal by Denmark!
  15. Really? I did not really like it... Has anyone watched The Boys or/and Gen V at Prime? Those two superhero shows (Gen V is a spinoff) are so bloody (and) funny! Another decent show I found is Invincible, also on Prime. This is a weird one, it is also a superhero show, but sit through the first (pretty boring) episode and you want to see the rest very quickly! I recently watched The Recruit, decent police show with some humour, and all of the Chicago shows (Med, PD and Fire). All three are pretty good productions and I like Beghe in PD as a cop who sometimes bends the rules (a lot).
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