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Everything posted by J3di1975

  1. Derek thanks for that, although dont know how to use it lol i have had a go at kit myself what you think? hope you dont mind me putting on here? if do i can delete
  2. Hi Derek thanks for all your help What pattern was used on below
  3. Hi Derek Could you do also a REDBULL Manchester Same badge as leipzig just add a Bumblebee and funky kits in Man utd colours nike kits please PR kits Would love to be able to do myself Thanks for all your work
  4. hI Derek DO THESE KITS SHOW AS FULL KITS WHEN IN GAME? if not could you do below one in a pr kit? nd to be a pain could you do with red bull badge saying Oldham like below and on kit. No rush as i know you prob getting alot of requests. Thanks for your help and Merry xmas And to be a pain could you do
  5. Brill thank you so much well happy and great work
  6. hi PR Kit will be fine thanks
  7. Any chance could do kit in this view? but in your own design as they look amazing
  8. Hi Derek yes they look great, if you can use colours of kits for Oldham but i will leave design for you many thanks
  9. Hi Derek Thanks for reply, Can you do the RedBull Oldham please? once done where do i put kits as when i tried mine they not showing. i went on create team on new game and over riden oldham
  10. Hi Derek above i requested Red Bull Rochdale could i also request Red Bull Oldham Logo and 2d kits If you don't have time for both can i request Oldham first. i had a go myself but looks very amateur i will leave kits up to you for your ideas (can you do Castore as make) and redbull logo as sponsor, but logo like below just saying Oldham
  11. hi Derek i am going to do a save for Red Bull Rochdale can you do a logo in same style as Leipzig but says Rochdale, can you do kits also? if so home kit - blue & black funky stripes, white shorts, white socks away kit - red and white plain or stripes 3rd - yellow
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