Hi mate,
I’m looking to start an Isle of Man save and have created a new team. Called Manann Athletic.
This team is from the capital, Douglas and was founded in 2022. I was hoping to find some sort of badge that would have a Celtic god known as “Manannán mac Lir” being the main characteristic of the image.
On Google images there’s some various angles and drawings of him, I know some people have provided specific images but as you’ve got way more experience than me in creating logos it’s probably best I left which one to pick to you specifically- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Manannán+mac+Lir&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiL3omwwev8AhXFg1wKHeilB0UQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=375&bih=629&dpr=3
I was hoping for a logo that has a modern design, possibly circular but open to suggestions. The team colour is sea blue, with white stripes.
Could you please come up with a logo for that?