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mande70 last won the day on April 14 2023

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  1. So you have essentially taken my idea from Nations logos and replaced it with round logos with a similar design. You asked me a while back to be part of the graphics team, this is one of the reasons why I wouldnt do it. i wouldnt have minded if you had at least said where you got the idea from, but you have blatantly taken the idea from my designs, and just reimplemented it using colours, symmetrics and lines. In some cases you have even used the same designs I created. Like i saida while back to you the world of graphics is so competitive that you are all attempting to be unique and proclaiming the newest great design. When the reality is you take elements of others designs and pass it off as your own. You didnt even message me and ask if i wanted to help with this, which would have at least shown a level of respect, but instead your accepting the plaudits for what your claiming is a unique design of your own. Disgusted quite frankly!!
  2. ask and ye shall receive as an additional bonus and because I quite fancy uniformity throughout my game.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    A collection of over 2000 club logos from 5 continents, nearly 500 competition logos, 200+ flags, and 200+ federation logos.
  4. As it stands i have the following completed logos 1576 EUROPEAN 85 AFRICAN 102 NORTH AMERICAN 121 SOUTH AMERICAN 117 ASIAN 2001 CLUB LOGOS 443 COMPETITION LOGOS 7 CONTINENT LOGOS 217 FLAGS 223 FEDERATION LOGOS grand total just short of 3000. should be more than enough to release as a superpack. it covers most of the european leagues, and the top 50+ in other continents. Ill add more competition logos and lower league teams in european leagues in coming weeks.
  5. praise indeed. thank you. ive got a load to post as ive been working on them recently. must have around 1500 club logos now. Been wanting to do this for ages, MLS. Ill post up a new pack in next few days,
  6. ill never have a huge pack of them, but as you say each one is created individually, some more easier than others, so its a lot of work, now in a position though with all flags, federations, around 400 competitions, and nearly 1000 clubs done, its getting to be a half decent pack.
  7. cheers, 900 i count lol, its most of the top clubs in all euro, south american leagues, with a few others thrown in.
  8. slowly but surely.
  9. still working on this, i have looked at other logo packs and started filling in the gaps. I'm up to club number 1500+ which essentially means Im up to Italy currently in regards creating the logos for lower league teams. It means most logos for top level clubs and in some cases 2nd league for the following are completed. Albania, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia, China, Chile, Czech Rep, Cyprus, Denmark, England, France, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy
  10. when i created the nations logo for federations a lot of them were concepts and a mix of both due to the poor quality of logos, when you get down to the oceania countries and a lot of the african nations even some asian nations I think you are going to have problems trying to differentiate between the two. That's why i just went for federation logos/concepts. In truth a lot of the team logos are the fed logos,
  11. got the kitdefaults working with logos woohoo
  12. dortmund variations
  13. meh lol, the BMG i like but still not a fan of dortmund. im gonna have a play about with it, see ifi can improve it further. wanted to show you in terms of what you face sometimes. This is Amal Bou Saada from Algeria, their logo as you can see is fairly dull, nothing of much interest other than they play in green and have lines on their logo, and their year of creation. I try to keep text and numbers off the logos if i can, so the only way I could make it a little more interesting was to see if there was anything in Bou Saada of interest. [landmarks] Absolutely nothing, aside from a mosque tower. This particular logo turned out not to bad, but itshows what I face sometimes, especially with clubs in countries like Argentina and South America.
  14. wasnt a fan of the Benfica one myself, didnt like the slb across it, heres a version without. and logos using the actual bmg and dortmund logos
  15. made a start on south america, ill post some of the ones ive done so far, incase we need to change any to the realistic logos lol
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