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About alexdenada

alexdenada's Achievements

Youth Prospect

Youth Prospect (2/14)

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  1. hi Derek, I have a few ideas for the next VAPOUR logo update: I'd like to more white/gold. (see examples in the appendix). That would be great, thank you very much!
  2. no problem. THANK YOU :)!
  3. Hi Derek, You know, I love and use your brilliant VAPOUR Logos for the si FM manager! Please can you create the 07 Ludwigsburg (see attach) logo in your VAPOUR style for the FM? And please is there a chance to get 2d and 3d kits with the 07 logo? That would be absolutely wonderful :)! Thank you very much!
  4. you are fantastic! thanx a lot :)!
  5. I hope I am not measured if I ask if it would be possible to use this template without a star (see picture attached)? that would be great! Unfortunately I didn't find a (PayPal) donation option. How can I support your great work?
  6. wonderful, thank you :)!!!
  7. thank you for the beautiful logos :)! But I do something wrong. I replaced and renamed the original logos. Unfortunately it doesn't work. what am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help!
  8. ok wonderfull, thank you :)! yes I love the special rainbow kits and logos for Diversity and tolerance of my club VfB in my Birthplace stuttgart.
  9. Hi Derek, I really love and use your brilliant VAPOUR Logos for the si FM manager :)! can you please create these two VfB Stuttgart rainbow logos in your VAPOUR style for the FM? That would be absolutely great :)! Thank you in advance for your efforts! Is there a PayPal option for support? https://www.facebook.com/VfB/photos/a.500603829324/10162463832874325/ https://www.stuttgarter-zeitung.de/inhalt.vfb-stuttgart-aendert-wappen-farbe-so-unterstuetzt-der-zweitligist-den-deutschen-diversity-tag.57bbfcf2-6239-4357-bae4-b4a419896e41.html Thank You & best regards, alex
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