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Everything posted by Jamesfr12

  1. Kinda hard to download it because it says the whole time: Network error if it is at 10%
  2. @Dan82He means here on the forum. Step one is: Send @a31632 an message here on the forum, There are some steps one of them is message him here on the forum in an private message, Then he will send you a link where you can donate to him for the skin. Then you will get the download link and the password. This was a quick searching about how i did get it. You should send A31632 an private message for more information.
  3. Lukasz, You have to send @a31632 an message. He will tell you how you can get the skin and how you have to install it.
  4. Hmm, I will ask around in my contact list for this...I hope i can tomorrow come back with news. Or with a download link
  5. Hello, Could you make an Feyenoord sticker background for me ?. Would be great, Thanks.
  6. Hmm...The only thing that was there: That the update will come but we are already over the day that the update should come.
  7. Did you look at Sigames forum ?...Maybe is there something about an release or an update for this skin.
  8. @littleyo93 you have to contact @a31632 If you want this skin.
  9. @PapaFournier62you have to contact @a31632 If you want this skin.
  10. You have to send a31632 an message for it.
  11. Thank you for the skin by the way. It looks really nice. It is my favorite skin.
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