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Everything posted by Icewood

  1. O, if you talking about the all-Westeros league that I made back in FM23, I don't have that stuff anymore, I deleted everything when I downloaded FM24, and since there's no pre-game editor yet, I had to use the in-game create a club function to make a new team. not detailed as I wished, but it's all I can do at the moment. The ID of the team at the moment, if I'm looking at the right place is 90060453
  2. How do i use those pictures inside the game please? i really like to use those uniforms.
  3. OMG, that looks so good, I love it. how can we make it into actual game uniforms? like 2d and for 3d? I would change the game of Thrones part into Dragonlords though. and would the players numbers still show up in the back?
  4. in the end, i would like to turn all 7th-12 english div into the game of thrones houses.
  5. to be honest, I didn't think about it much, I just took the ones I could find lol I just want it to be really cool looking you know. Like those 2 look pretty good. but I couldn't use them and have them still look good.
  6. Yes, i already created a savee, this is the logo I'm using at the moment. which is just a logo of the house I found on line, but if I can get something better like those that look like stone or steel and what not, then that would be cool. and yes, I was planning on later on when I have the time to actually make a all new league just from all the houses in game of thrones, including the minor houses so I can have like 5 div. but that's a long term project I was thinking of doing.
  7. Would like Werxham new 23/24 kits please all 3 of them. also if someone of a creative mind can make a kit for a team based on Game of Thrones House Targaryen with sponsors like The iron bank or The golden company etc... main colors would be black and dark red, flames would be nice need 4 kits for home/away and third. Thank you
  8. Can someone please create a really cool logo for House Targaryen from Game of thrones please? preferred it would be like stone or steel or something more then just plain one.
  9. ok, so the club would be inspired by Game of Thrones, House Targaryen, colors would be black and red mostly, with a third kit I guess use you imagination for something that would fit. i know there is house Blackfire as well which is oposit colors of red and black, would like the owner/ chairman etc... to be actually characters from the house itself. would be founder based. stadium would be named after Dragonstone castle and the "City" would be DragonStone and area would be the region be the crownlands in the country of wales, but still in the English football divisions just like couple of other ones., need the club to be really low, so I would start on the bare minimum which would be english 6th division south or north, it doesn't matter, but low budget, low income etc... rules to only recruit from uk/ireland region, so scotland, wales, England, Ireland and n. ireland. and only recruit players under 21. Owner of the club would be Daenerys Targaryen. only main team, no u21 or u18 or any of that to start with. would start as semi professional and all players would be 16. which would be 21 of those. all with no more then 60 CA and no more then 80-100 PA. if possible have them named after proper game of thrones characters and if can find faces for them would be even better. no debt, but low on cash and low on sponsors and such, so I would start with really low income and payroll. the stadium should house the lowest possible amount of people, I would like to be able to upgrade it with time. and field made of grass only. sponsors for kits should be up to your imagination, but maybe the iron bank or idk, something cool. please let me know if you have a rough idea of something cool, and what would be the cost of such a thing. Thank you in advance Also on a side note, if someone can make the new 23/24 uniform for Wrexham, that would be cool. one last thing, if it's possible to create another club at the same level which would be house Blackfire to be our derby rivels then that would be a big +
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