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rhodyballer19 last won the day on September 21 2023

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About rhodyballer19

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Breakthrough Prospect

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  1. Hi. I was trying to look at logo options for my Create-a-Club, but I drew blanks so I came here. I want the colors to be maroon and gold. Be sure the logo is circular with ribbons, the ribbons have the name on them (Holyhead on top, United on bottom). I want the kits to be the club logo colors as well, thanks. Kit sponsor (front) should be Google, with the side being AccuWeather. That is all I need for now. Please and thank you, RhodyBaller
  2. @Derek Did you forget this? Are you waytoo to busy?
  3. @Derek Torna Club Magyar Budapest Established 1909 Team Colors: Red and Black Kit Designs: All yours mate. (please add a third and GK kit, be sure to add back to all kits) Sponsors: Fubo (front) Wendy's (right sleeve) Microsoft (back) and Nemzeti Bajnoksag I (left sleeve)
  4. Nice! I wanted just RBFC Vatican but hey, Vatican City works for me, too! I also have one more... Red Bull Thessaloniki Just whatever you want!
  5. Is that all 20 of them?! Thanks much! now for the kits mate!
  6. Maccabi Jerusalem: Front: Allon Ventures - Sleeve: High House Investments Maccabi Yafo: Israel Canada (Front) - Sleeve: Cargo rest are up to you as of now.
  7. ok. Also, I have some sponsors in mind for some teams, they will be in a separate post.
  8. @DerekDid you forget to post the first logo or are you waiting to finish all of them?
  9. Red Bull Vatican Vatican City national team colors
  10. On the logos make it English, FMG kits pls
  11. Also yeah I can do an fmf file but idk how, ill ask you in private.
  12. Maccabi Jerusalem and Maccabi Ramla are defunct teams remade but the rest are fantasy.
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