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Everything posted by Girafi

  1. Seems to be newly added clubs in FM24. Here is the club names of the IDs mentioned: 2000260402 - Porto San Paolo 2000259169 - F.C. Laveno Mombello 2000261773 - Gherdeina 2000256571 - Polisportiva Lorenzo Toriello 2000256698 - Marchesa 2000259342 - Belmonte Castello
  2. Looked through all non-playble Danish clubs & found the following with not the best quality or using old versions of the clubs logo! Brønshøj BK - 497 (Current one is an old version - hard to read the text) - Local team I support Aalborg Chang - 484 FC Nakskov - 536 (Rough edges on current one) Roskilde B - 548 (Old logo version used atm. Svendborg fB - 557 (Currently used logo is of an old club fusion, that no longer exists) Kastrup Boldklub - 2119 (Current one might be fine, could just be FM compression)) FK Prespa - 929388 (Current one looks very nice, might be worth keeping as an alternative. Don´t think they logo was ever blue though) Fuglebakken KFUM Aarhus - 929936 (Old logo used atm. of old club, before fusion) Kvistgård IF - 930816 (Old logo used atm.) Dronningborg B - 931079 (Old logo used atm.) Køge Nord FC - 931475 (Old logo used, before name change) - Could remove text under logo, they seem to use both with and without Tuse Næs BK - 931504 (Non-digital version used atm.) Stenløse BK - 932441 Glamsbjerg IF - 932467 Strib IF - 932470 Brønderslev IF - 933838 Fløng-Hedehusene - 933921 (Logo used atm. is not the football logo, but for general other sports) BK VLI - 933943 GVI - 933949 (Old logo used atm.) BK Union - 933952 (Current logo has effects) Husum BK - 933954 (Slightly old version used atm.) Horslunde BK - 935327 (Don´t think the currently used logo was ever their actual logo) Vivild IF - 943939 (Old logo used atm.) Stubbekøbing Boldklub - 1706944 (Seems to have changed to this whole thing at some point) Skjold Birkerød - 3400016 (Old logo used atm. I think? Haven´t seen it before) BK Pioneren - 27001275 FK Sydsjælland 05 - 27031422 (Old logo) Taastrup FC - 27032403 (Old logo + bad quality) FC Sydvest - 27032607 (Using an old banner-type thing atm. with old logo on it) Solbjerg IF - 27035687 (Old version atm.) Rørvig IF - 27042393 (Using wrong clubs logo atm.) AIK 65 Strøby - 27042401 (Old version used atm.) (Bigger version, but very rough edges) Vemmelev FK - 27042424 (Old version used atm.) Vigerslev BK - 27118564 (Old version used atm.) Snekkersten IF - 2000005193 Fårevejle BK - 2000020627 Nørrebro FF - 2000091179 B67 Odense - 2000135941 Lemming IF - 2000170178 Ørslev Fodbold - 2000175709 Clubs with missing logos, that I missed in my other post: Haarby - 2000171093
  3. Denmark Suggested Changes Competitions: 2. Division - 8 (Using old black-background version atm.) 3. Division - 2000016262 (Currently missing, so it´s utilizing the default logo included in FM - which is correct) Danish Top Local Divisions - 2000170395 Danish Copenhagen Series - 2000170400 Danish Zealand Series - 2000170401 Danish Funen Series - 2000170402 Danish Jutland Series- 2000170403 (All of the above should porobably use the same logo as other lower leagues in Denmark, such as Denmark´s Series (ID: 1702406) already does for example) Clubs (All of the below already have logos, but is either using a wrong version of the clubs logo or could have better quality) 3F Superliga - 3. Division (Aká playable leagues) FC København - 505 (Currently using what seems to be a fan-made logo) Randers FC - 930621 (The logo that´s currently set, is the logo they use on their home kit to not clash with the color of their home kit. Their official logo is what you have as an alternative logo) AaB - 483 (Seems to be a fan-made logo again currently, perhaps?) B93 - 493 (Retro logo used atm. it seems) Næstved Boldklub (ID: 542) & Næstved Idrætsforening (ID: 27019251) should have their logos swapped. Sønderjyske Fodbold - 926867 (Temporary logo only used in the spring, is being used atm.) AB - 480 (Not sure where the current version of the logo comes from. Don´t think it ever looked exactly like that) Ishøj IF - 27155310 (Some effects on the logo used atm.)
  4. Appreciate it! What about reporting on low quality logos, would that go in this thread as well - even though it´s for a specific pack? I´m currently using the FMG Standard Logos Megapack.
  5. Thanks! I used to report changes to Schweigi's Standard Logos Pack. But seems he have started helping out here instead? Not quite sure! Yes, everything in that image! It´s copied directly from the Danish FAs website.
  6. FC Århus Syd - 2000254914 (Yes that´s their atual logo (Minus white background). Bit of a weird one! The two logos on the logo, is the two clubs that have merged into FC Århus Syd) Taarbæk IF Sunshine - 2000254926 FC Nyhavn - 2000255507 FC ESPM - 2000255511 (Only full version I could find. Quite small though) (Bigger version, but top is cut off) Frem Hellebæk - 2000259588 Flemløse Boldklub - 2000259608 BK Klitten - 2000269578 FS Holstebro - 2000271164 Roskilde United - 2000274789 FC Avrasya - 2000283025 (Only 2 available sources for the logo. None is great)
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