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  1. Looks like they got a new one: > https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1044191621070287&set=a.638789691610484 > https://www.facebook.com/primerodemayofc.beni (old site: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083108269927) 2022 club seems to be a phoenix of an older one: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=490920256124742&set=a.104967748053330
  2. Belarusian Highest League (7483354) 7483354.svg (or https://betnews.by/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/betera_logo_1.png) > https://championship.abff.by/male/tournaments/1/?tournamentId=7 / https://vk.com/photo-179280390_457279626?rev=1 Arsenal Dzerzhinsk (17040498) > https://championship.abff.by/teams/107 / https://www.instagram.com/arsenaldzerzhinsk/
  3. Chelyabinsk (58044880) / Chelyabinsk-M (58153529) 58044880.svg58044880 (with subtext).svg > https://fc-chel.ru/media/news/futbolnyy-klub-chelyabinsk-novyy-logotip-novyy-stil/ Logo is also used in white (see homepage or https://fc-chel.ru/local/frontend-build/img/logo.svg), but I opted for the light blue tone which is used here: https://fc-chel.ru/team/players/artyem-tushin/ and the FNL league site (https://fnl.pro/leon-a/team/280) If I missed the correct blue tone.. feel free to correct it!
  4. NYCFC II (2000152199) 2000152199.svg > https://www.newyorkcityfc.com/news/new-york-city-fc-ii-announces-2025-mls-next-pro-schedule
  5. Shahter Qarağandy (484477) (https://shakhter.kz/kk/news/view/rebrending-futbolynogo-kluba-shahter)
  6. 57189817 - Olimpia Satu Mare 57189817.svg
  7. Still think this might be fantasy, the EPL announced the teams for the season over @ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=861666792694119&set=pb.100065524178202.-2207520000&type=3 The FB-Account https://www.facebook.com/DagnachewHailemariam/photos - that is close to Defense/Mechal - still didn't mentioned any new logo so far offtopic/before anyone gets confused: Ethiopian calendar has it's own date format, they mentioned the draw was held on "ረቡዕ ነሀሴ 15/2016" (gregorian date: August 21, 2024), the league itself starts on "መስከረም 10/2017" (gregorian date: September 20, 2024) Ethiopian New Year is near (greg.: September 11, 2024), so there is also the shift in years from 2016 to 2017 (ethiopian calendar) > you can find more on it here: https://www.metaappz.com/References/Time_and_Date_in_Ethiopia.aspx
  8. ^ alternative/used on third kit only https://www.lutontown.co.uk/en/news/retro-crest-returns-to-new-third-shirt new 24-25 away shirt as reference: https://www.lutontown.co.uk/en/news/introducing-the-away-shirt-for-2024-25
  9. https://www.ekstraklasa.org/ekstraklasa > LOGOTYPY
  10. ^ afaik only used for 22/23, current one since 23/24 should be this: 130487 > https://www.fcalania.com/photo/tyumen-alaniya-01-2/#photos-10 (league site: 1fnl.ru)
  11. 714221 - Motor Lublin 714221.svg (Source: https://www.motorlublin.eu/images/herb.svg) > https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=879494424207733&set=pb.100064415512652.-2207520000&type=3 96092811 - KKS Kalisz 96092811.pdf (Source: https://wielkopolskizpn.pl/files/document/314/kks-kalisz-pdf-1016.pdf) > https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1050098750040644&set=pb.100051215865204.-2207520000&type=3 96030171 - Pniówek Pawlowice 96030171.pdf (Source: https://gkspniowek74.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/PNIOWEK-LOGO-pdf-1.pdf) > https://gkspniowek74.com.pl/michal-rakowiecki-wzmacnia-linie-pomocy/ > https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=969259405207952&set=pb.100063717039759.-2207520000&type=3 improvement for 512x: 59127316 - Karkonosze Jelenia Góra 59127316.svg (Source: https://kskarkonosze.pl/images/layout/logo-ksk.svg)
  12. 80024180 - Liga de Ascenso de Nicaragua https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=122102177408441907&set=a.122101383014441907
  13. SVG from website:
  14. both are from their website, quality ain't that good if you look/zoom in at the original size.. but should be fine for a video game
  15. correct IDs would be: 23038303 is Iraq Stars League (1st tier), here's the correct one if it already has been changed: > https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=122139869828073641&set=a.122114208980073641 2000099727 - Iraqi First Division Group A 2000099728 - xIraqi First Division Group B > https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=921952715954699&set=pb.100044199380983.-2207520000 (Al-Jolan vs Al-Gharraf) > https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=921949502621687&set=pb.100044199380983.-2207520000 (Al-Ramadi vs Al-Kufa) these are all teams of the 2nd tier division: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023–24_Iraqi_Premier_Division_League 2000118641 - Iraqi Second Division Northern Group 2000118642 - Iraqi Second Division Western Group 2000118643 - Iraqi Second Division Middle Euphrates Group 2000118644 - Iraqi Second Division Baghdad Group (2000118645 not used currently, was part of FM23) > https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=927228525427118&set=pb.100044199380983.-2207520000&type=3 > ^ these are all 3rd tier teams, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023–24_Iraqi_First_Division_League
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