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scasergio last won the day on June 14 2024

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  1. I'm just uploading the pack after a few months and found out about the new Nations FA logos thing... great idea! I love it! Thanks for the superb job you keep doing
  2. Thank you legend!!
  3. Hi Derek! Any chance you can convert this logo into the ING version (normal and small sizes), please? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi @Derek, congrats for your awesome job man, really. Any chance you can do this logo in ING style? Many thanks in advance.
  5. I accidentaly deleted the nations folder, any chance someone can upload it and share the link here please? It would take a lot to download the whole pack and its updates again
  6. I've noticed Pordenone (831037) small logo is wrong, it appears the one with the normal size instead.
  7. Of course man, if I find new ones I will post them in that thread and also I'll include the ID's from now on. Whenever you have these last ones ready, could you please share them here (or in the Logo Update Thread) so I can add them? Just the normal and small size version, don't need the x2. Thanks again chief!
  8. My pleasure mate, and thank you for the superb work you do. I like to play with dark skins so there are some other competition logos I can't see properly. I don't know if you have the time to make them but if there is any chance, I will leave them here. I tried to find the best possible transparent-background pictures but it was impossible with some of them. *The second one in case you want to mix the "Santander" in red with the first picture *Same as before And by the way, these two logos belong to Spanish lower leagues and are not included in the pack (it would be nice if you could keep the white background in the inside of both logos): Segunda RFEF (Spanish fourth division) Tercera RFEF (Spanish fifth division) These are the ones I realized I can't see properly so far. Please let me know if you think it is a good idea to keep sharing them if I find more issues. Thank you again man, I truly appreciate it.
  9. Hi guys, any chance you can make this alternative logo for the UEL and post it back here so I can have it before you upload the next full update? Thanks so much in advance! PS: Here is the link to the picture in case you need it.
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