About This File
Pack Contents
Each pack consists of home, away, third and alternative kits where available. We offer 'Alternative' kits in each of our packs which are kits that clubs may release throughout the season.
The first release of the FMG25 Kits Megapack 2025.00 contains the below graphics.
Home Kits - 2,517
Away Kits - 2,517
Third Kits - 1,216
Alternative Kits - 81
Total - 6,331 Kits
Installation Guide - New FMG25 Kits Megapack
1) Download the pack of your choice.
2) Unzip the files using an archiver.
We recommend Winrar for Windows and Keka for Mac but most applications will work.
3) Once unpacked place your pack into the folder below based on your operating system.
\Users\<your username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2025\graphics\
Mac OS:
Users/YOUR MAC USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2025/graphics
4) Next you will want to go to FM and select 'Preferences' from the start screen or in your game and select 'Advanced".
5) Then untick 'Use caching to decrease page loading times'.
6) Next tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences'.
7) Finally, select 'Reload Skin' and after a brief pause your graphics will be visible.
Installation Guide - FMG25 Kits Monthly Updates
Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing kits when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack.
This MUST be done for all four types (home, away, third and alternative) or you will have issues displaying the kits in-game.
Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin.
Alternative Kits
To use any of the alternative kits in game choose your kit and then drag & drop it into the chosen kit folder in the megapack.
Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin.
I would advise creating a copy of the original kit before replacing any graphics.
Helpful Tips & FAQ's
Why does the pack contain mainly European clubs?
This is a new style which is created by @Derek alone and takes time to build a large base of leagues. The focus initially was to complete all playable European clubs and then move on to the remaining playable league around the world and more.
How will I download further leagues?
Just like our logo styles you will be able to download an update pack each month. This will contain all kits made within the month.
There will not be any releases solely focused on a particular league.