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Everything posted by douyilmaz

  1. Serik Spor A.Ş. (old name: Serik Bld.) - 70081029
  2. İzmir Çoruhlu F.K. (old name: Bergama F.K.) - 456134
  3. Happy new year. Happy Christmas. Türkiye.zip
  4. Bodrum FK logo in package says "BODRUMFK", while official logo says "BODRUMSPOR." Also, Galatasaray logo in package doesn't have black border. I uploaded Gençlerbirliği and Rizespor logo because logo in package has wrong font and design. I uploaded official logos being used.
  5. 70016859 - Bodrum F.K. 1871 - Galatasaray (original logo - black bordered)
  6. 130366 - Rizespor
  7. 1873 - Gençlerbirliği
  8. Sanliurfaspor- 130380 It's fanmade logo. Real logo is available every FMG pack.
  9. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Türkiye new.zip
  10. Isparta 32 Spor - 70054564
  11. Türkiye Türkiye.zip
  12. Beykoz İshaklı - 450542
  13. Bursa Nilüfer F.K. - 70135982
  14. new Turk teams. turkiye_summer.zip
  15. Fatsa Bld. new logo - 70042974
  16. türkiye_070124.zip
  17. Happy new year. 301223 logoupdate.zip
  18. I re-uploaded Galatasaray logo with its some fixes and original colors. Galatasaray is using black logo in some seasons. I would appreciate it if copy it to alternate folder.
  19. Türkiye New Logos - HD - 23 Logos Türkiye New Logos.zip
  20. News: TFF Chairman Büyükekşi: "If Fenerbahçe comes out with 5 stars, I will follow necessary rules." Officially forbidden
  21. Fenerbahçe will use this logo only for "press". These logos will not be used on kits either. Officially forbidden. Because their league cups are not officially recognized. Fenerbahçe wants their previous league cups to be accepted.
  22. Get well soon.
  23. There are a cut mistakes in Lyon logo. I fixed them.
  24. May God ease. Because there are too many logo.
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