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Everything posted by RexEverything

  1. These are great, thanks so much to you both!
  2. I looked on their site for a video, but couldn't see one - do you know where I could find them?
  3. I don't have the ID yet, I'm going to be making the team in the editor once it is released for this year, but I'm quite confident in making config files anyway - it's just the photoshop that I'm no good with. Thanks both for your time and help so far!
  4. I downloaded the latest FM12/Slovakia templates because I wanted to see if I could work out how to do it myself, but turns out I am stupider than I thought haha If you have their templates too then please could the Home kit to be Umbro template 144, white with black sleeves and details, away kit red and black hoops, in the template 193 style. For the Third kit I like template 178, but I'm not too fussed about the colours. Maybe dark blue or grey
  5. Thanks both! Are 3d kits a pain to make? I know very little about this sort of thing, as you can no doubt tell
  6. Looks good, thanks! Is it possible to have them in the FC12/FM Slovakia templates though? Sorry if that's a hassle
  7. HI! Please could I request three kits in the FC12 style for my invented team? Home kit to be like the attached white Umbro kit (I think it is template 144?), away kit like the red and black hoops (template 193?). Third kit, not sure on - maybe just a very dark grey or blue with either white or gold detail, ideally using template 178 Club logo also attached, thanks!
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