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Everything posted by trivaldo

  1. @Derekperfect, thank you
  2. Hi @Derek, Could i be a pain and request a slight colour change on the Met Police badge please I would like the two blues from the away jersey shown in the picture, the darker blue being used for the three stripes on the logo, the lighter blue stripe from the jersey replacing the lighter blue on the logo. Thank you in advance and thank you for the other logos you made, they look fantastic
  3. @Derek much appreciated, thanks again
  4. @Derek Incredible stuff, thank you so much! Would it be possible to amend the spelling of VCD please
  5. Hello, If you have the time, i would like logos making for 6 clubs, normal and small versions in standard style. I have some ideas how i would like them to look, i just lack the ability to bring them to life. They are all following the Barcelona template: First up; FC United Using the barca shape. Change the gold outline\middle to black with gold text "FC UNITED" along the middle (no "of Manchester"). The bottom striped section to be block red with a smaller version Salford badge in the middle where the football currently is, replacing the football. Top left, instead of the red cross, have 3 green stripes with 2 gold stripes - green, gold, green, gold, green(Newton Heath colours). Top right, diagonal stripes red and gold\yellow like the centre of the FC United badge. Keep the thin black line between the two top sections. number 2; Maidstone United Using the barca shape, change the gold outline\middle to black with yellow text "MAIDSTONE". The bottom section, change the blue stripes to yellow (the same yellow already used), the purple stripes to black, keep the football. Top left section, keep the cross but change the colours to the colours of the Norway flag. Top right section, could you put the helmet from the picture above, white background, change the gold helmet to black with yellow where the red is, don't include the outer circle, just the helmet . number 3; Corby Town Using the barca shape, change the gold outline\middle to white with black text "CORBY". The bottom section, change the three central stripes to block white with the outer stripes black and white - L to R white, black, white block instead of middle three stripes, black, white. keep the thin black outline of the bottom section. Keep the football but change the browny colour to white. Top left section, black and white stripes, keep the thin black outline for the top sections. top right section, white background with the gentleman from corby badge. number 4; VCD Athletic using the barca shape, change the gold outline\middle to the slightly darker green shown on the VCD badge, with white text "VCD". the bottom section block green, no stripes, using the slightly lighter green from the VCD badge. instead of the football i would a gold star in the middle of the bottom section (like in the San Pietro badge), using a thin white outline of the star instead of black. top left section i would like the greece flag. top right section, using the lighter green used in the bottom section, put the greek gentlemans face from the second badge. number 5; Stamford Using the barca style badge, change the outline\middle to a similar orange to the Workingham badge, with White text "STAMFORD". Bottom section block white, no stripes, with the dragon logo instead of the football, changing it from red to orange (with the same orange used for the badge outline used for the wings and horns, a slightly lighter orange for its face and ears, leaving the eyes yellow and the st george's cross staying red). top left section, use the lighter orange used for the dragon face as the background colour for the white lion design from the Nusco Lioni badge. top right, white background with 3 lions like the Wodson Park badge, making the lions the lighter orange colour. and lastly, number 6; Metropolitan Police i want this one to look like the Policoro badge, with the stripes top and bottom sections using a darker blue. White text "MET POLICE". replace the football with the police badge. remove the graphic from the top section. keep the very outer thin gold outline. I don't know if what i said makes sense so feel free to ask if unsure. Many thanks, Triv
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