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  1. Could I request a couple of logos in this style? I am playing with a file that adds 4 extra teams to the CPL and the logos I have would look out of place. Obviously, you already have the Vancouver FC logo done, but I have the 3 other teams in a different style.
  2. Alright mate, quick question. What sort of image would you require to make some fantasy kits in this style? I have kits already in the SS style from sortitoutsi, but I want to move over to this style.
  3. With FM23 soon to be fully released, I have been looking at the graphics that I have and the graphics that I want to use this year. If I was able to provide the logos, would I be able to request some fantasy kits as I plan to expand the Canadian Premier League once the editor is available and having 4 teams with kits in a different style would just drive me insane? And, I'm aware that this is the kit forum, but could I get the logos done in one of your styles (probably steel) too? I figured it would be easier to ask in the same post as opposed to making a second post in a different forum.
  4. Yeah, I'm not sure it will be possible due to the city pics being classed as backgrounds. Still, there is always a chance.
  5. The skin is one I have cobbled together. I am not, technically, using a background pack. The default is replaced by a city view unless I change it via the background selector.
  6. Ok, stupid question. I have edited my skin so I can use city pics. However, when I clear skin cache and the skin reverts to the "default" background (I have a background selector), the "default" background is the relevant city pic. How would I go about using these backgrounds, yet still keep the city pics?
  7. If the defaults are coming, I'm definitely downloading these!
  8. This is probably going to be a stupid question (I ask these a lot), but are there any plans for some kind of "default" kits in this style?
  9. I must admit, I LOVE this style. Unfortunately, the only thing stopping me from downloading them is the number of kits I already have and the number of created teams in my database. Those Canadian kits are a thing of beauty.
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