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Everything posted by vasilis7

  1. i was thinking white red and black i dont have a specific need of the shape, its your call thanks!
  2. could you maybe improve the colours somehow or even remodel the badge in any way
  3. what i've done in my db, is to give all the rb teams about 6000 reputation. i also gave them max attendance so they quickly do plans for new stadiums not very sure about giving everyone a sugradaddy, will make them giants pretty fast i think the pre-season tournament could give them a lot of prize money in my opinion there shouldnt be 2+ rb teams in any league (like leipzig and newborn berlin for example) (did it in my db, because i included the british isles mod, so i ended with 4 rb teams in the same division at some point. lol. (york, edinburgh, dublin, belfast) the summer tournament is quite tricky tho, hasnt worked properly for me yet
  4. i was actually thinking about creating a pre-season tournament myself, RedBull Super Cup with about 16- 20 RedBull teams
  5. @Derek terrific work once again!
  6. @Derek whould it be possible for you to create just the crest for those teams? , as im already experimenting with kitbasher for the kits thanks in advance
  7. Hello everyone, I dont have a specific request to make, only some ideas about teams, the redbull style its mostly about cities with no good teams Portugal - Vila Nova de Gaia Northen Ireland - Belfast Italy - Venice France - Strasbourg Sweden - Uppsala Romania - Timisoara Switzerland - Geneva cheers and mery xmas people!
  8. Terrific work! Thanks so much!
  9. Hello guys Im new here, and so impressed of your work I would like to request a couple of logos and pr kits if its possible in the redbull style, either original with the two bulls or just the one The first is about a real team, Panileiakos located in Pyrgos, Greece Burgundy and white colours The second is a fantasy team located in Belfast, Northern Ireland I'd prefer red white and black colours *Bonus request would be the already made one rb hague but a tweak with Dortmund's colours. Trying to recreate den Haag's HVV team Thanks in advance! merry xmas everyone
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