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AndreaSSL1900 last won the day on September 27

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  1. Guys someone knows wich asian international competitions April 25 are currently playing in this season? They not playing in AFC Champions League Elite and AFC Champions League Two, not even in AFC Challenge League cause they are not in the group stages PS: Checking the AFC official website i can confirm they are not playing in any asian international competition in this season
  2. It must be April 25 from North Korea - ID 5621797 https://fmref.com/team/5621797 According to AFC Challenge League this must be the correct logo https://www.facebook.com/AFCChallengeLeague/posts/full-time-benfica-macau-mac-0-2-425-sc-prkapril-25-sports-club-continues-to-domi/1634181030000626/
  3. Firenze Ovest new logo - ID 7983160 https://www.facebook.com/dinamofirenzeovest
  4. "Ma non é vero" i felt touched in my pride by these four words. What it's not true? the logo? It could be a collage and made in an horrible way i'm agree with you, but it's the real logo they chose. A stupid question of personal pride? A stupid misunderstanding? Maybe yes but we are all humans with our emotions after all
  5. "Ma non é vero... clubs are doing collage logos now" isn't that denigratory and I'm jumping to conclusions? I know and speak well italian and english same as you. The same shitty profile logo in two official profiles, it's hard to believe that it's a collage logo. It may be of poor quality but it's not collage
  6. Your comment made me nervous, it was clearly denigrating as if I took the photos of the logos from who knows where. I take them from the official profile and if those of the official profile are terrible, it's not my fault
  7. Cazzo dici che é la pagina ufficiale. Secondo te la pagina ufficiale fa i loghi collage finti? ma ragiona su. Hanno ripreso il vecchio logo e c'é anche sulla maglia Controllate i profili ufficiali prima di sparare cazzate. Io ho solo ritagliato il logo della foto profilo e ho messo apposta il link della pagina ufficiale per verificare nelle foto Do you think the official page makes fake collage logos? Think about it. They come back to the old logo and it's also on the shirt. Check the official profiles before talking bullshit. I just cut out the logo from the profile photo and i purposely put the link to the official page to check in the photos https://www.instagram.com/vigasio_calcio/
  8. Vigasio current logo (back to old logo) - ID 43092864 https://www.facebook.com/ssdvigasio
  9. Not your fault. It was bankurpted and refounded this summer in the italian 4th tier with the name SSC Ancona. Same logo, only the inscription was changed
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