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Everything posted by Mykal

  1. this is when regular shaped flags are used, when yours are used all the transparent parts are filled with white because the match engine only uses a regular oblong shape, which looks really odd to me
  2. I could but I already switched back to original style and dont want the hassle of switching back and forth again. It's all good brother, your flags are very nice and likely usable ta many folk, just not ta me. You must have seen flags displayed around the stadiums in game though, fans always display a national flag with a club logo on it somewhere around the ground, with your style flags this looks horrendous in the match engine (ta me at least), which is a great shame, because in menu's they're so so good
  3. Wish there was a way to separate this from the flags that display around the ground, but I cant find a way had to switch back to the regular boring style because I watch my games (x2 speed), not sim or quick match Shame man cos these are so nice but seeing them in the match engine with all that white filling in the gaps is less good
  4. As far as I'm aware I've no issues with any competitions but then I'm in my first season and started in tier 8 regional divisions, I simply replaced Faroe Islands though, so should defo be grand, been doing my own databases since FM13, so I'm not new to it, the only issue the DB has at all is - very, very occasionally the referee's name doesn't show and is blank but that hurts the game and the DB by about zero I think.
  5. @OfficiallyEpiKNo, never shared it anywhere brother, it being my own creation completely and a fantasy nation I didn't think anyone would be interested in it
  6. over 60,000 edits. took 6 months and more to complete, I was fortunate in that this year at least I was able to update my database from fm21 to 22 with only minor changes needing made, so I have it working both in 21 and 22
  7. I have my own country in my save, if I sent you my nations flag would it be possible for you to use the same effect on my flag, so I can use this set on my save please
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