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Everything posted by Vasiliy92

  1. Thanks! Is it possible to make it without the outer white circle? It would be perfect.
  2. FC Lernayin Artsakh (id 59144815) new logo (sorry for low quality):
  3. Hello everyone. What should I do if I use a pack from version 24, and it is much larger in size than for version 25?
  4. Croydon FC - 5100182
  5. Noah FC id 59127607 new logo
  6. ok i got you, but in the last update there was no alternative logo for Armenia
  7. so? as i see, football federations in game have their logos, not the country symbols... and btw i cant remember when armenian team plays in this black jerseys haha. So i think in next update federation logo should be federation logo. @Derekmake a notice from here plz
  8. This is the wrong logo. This is the national emblem of the country, not the football federation, the original package had a normal logo, why replace it? The federation logo can be found in Google in 1 second. Update pls. 754 - Armenian football federation. Source - FFA official page https://www.ffa.am/en/home
  9. Hey guys! Some logos for update: Armenian Cup id59006199 (better to edit in black stroke) Armenian Premier League id59006196 FC Syunik id59006799
  10. Hello! Update pls: FC Gandzasar (Armenia) id59001468 FC Syunik (Armenia) id59006799 Source: armenian football federation official site: https://www.ffa.am/en/first-league/clubs
  11. Hey there. Need to uptade Austria Salzburg (ID 16046867) The logo with white color inside is displayed better, with purple it is almost invisible. New logo:
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