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Everything posted by OfficiallyEpiK

  1. Ill take a look at it although I haven't noticed it myself so might find it hard to replicate to fix it.
  2. Absolutely, although if youre playing at 1366x800 id recommend playing at 85% zoom to avoid a scrolling sidebar. All the screenshits were taken at 1366x800 at 85% zoom. Works fine at ultrawide resolutions too
  3. Screenshot of the upcoming Per 90 Stats panel courtesy of Sasmaz and _BEN_ for the coding implementation and the idea respectively. The final panel will include sub boxes for goalkeeper and extra stats.
  4. Here is the new BETA. This will be the last BETA version before launch. As such, if you notice any issues or bugs please post here. The Per 90 panel, club, player and home panels will not be included in this beta version however the modified Match screens will. 0.5b Patch notes: New Commentary bar graphic, tv logos included in match screens. Modified Team News pre match panel added including scrolling social and team news boxes New game processing panel layout, including club colour dependant progressbars New main menu screen New default background (from Neue2) Few layout modifications New tab graphics Other misc changes. DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/file/4h5n3n0th1knteh/Obsidian+BETA.rar/file
  5. I'm always looking for new saves to play and a whole new nation would definately be interesting. Always been a big fan of political sim games like EU4 where existing a new nations can be created where current nations exist. I feel like having no knowledge of the nation would present a unique challenge. I'd definately encourage you to post it! How does it work with continental competitions?
  6. Personally the Champions League theme isn't for me, but I do like the panel work you've done. I'm a graphic designer and UI designer by trade, panel layouts in xml really isn't my forte lol. But you can tell you've put a lot of work into the skin and giving it a cohesive look. Well done!
  7. Have you posted this database anywhere, I'd be quite interested to play it!
  8. Yep, it's just an enlarged picture widget with the logo that is placed over the background image but behind the panel contents in client object browser.xml. I did the same with my Blak skin from FM17
  9. Love the way you've set out your main menu screen also, very creative!!
  10. Oh wow, now these I like. Would you have an issue with me including them in Obsidian if I add you to the main menu Credits and credits in the thread with a link to the website? I can even add the FMG logo to the main menu as an affiliate if you wish.
  11. I don't include the FME Player, Club or Home panels in the skin as default, they use the ones from the default skin as they are obviously made by someone else and I have as of yet seeked permission to use and include them. The FME panels for the above do indeed work without any editing needing to be done so you could extract the archive for this skin with the Resource Archiver, do the same with the FME skin and then copy panels/club, panels/player from FME and paste them into the Obsidian panels folder to use them yourself as I do.
  12. INTRODUCING OBSIDIAN So as I've posted I'm currently working on a brand new original skin, which I'm naming Obsidian (as it's dark and glassy). It's still very early days and I've so far got the main UI for all screens except the match screen done and still need to do some panel work and some additional graphics stuff, but here is the preliminary screenshots. If anyone out there fancies themselves as a panel master and fancies working on some new club and player profile panels with me I'm open to collaboration! Currently I'm using a mix of the default panels, panels from FME Zealand and a few customised panels. If all goes well, I should have this ready within the next week/couple of weeks. BETA DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/file/4h5n3n0th1knteh/Obsidian+BETA.rar/file SCREENSHOTS
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