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Zero To Hero is back again for the FM23 game cycle. Starting as a Zero can we become a Hero of the game? We begin with Brazilian manager Aleixo who has just joined Prestatyn Town in Wales. With our first game soon to be played will we do good? Or realise there's lots of work to do?




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On 17/06/2023 at 19:59, Derek said:

Welcome to FMG @SamuraiHex. Nice start to this mate and best of luck in Wales!

I've set up a channel for you in our FMG TV section. 🙂

Thank you I appreciate it!



On 18/06/2023 at 10:03, Tempelman said:

Looking forward to this one! 😄

Same here!



On 20/06/2023 at 10:01, Johno said:

Welcome to FMGraphics 🙂

Good luck in Wales!

Thanks and I'm glad to be here!

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It's the final game of the season. After some games off-camera have Prestatyn Town won them? Or lost them? Where does it lead them into the final day? Can we survive? Or have we already survived? Watch the video to find out!


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