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Limavady United - NI Adventure

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So took over Southampton half way through the season. Before leaving Kilmarnock, I did win the Scottish League Cup. I took over from the 2-1 loss v Brighton. I guided the saints to a mid table finish after a bit of a dodgy start. Been a massive clear out of the aging stars and brining in my own players now.




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  • 2 weeks later...

My apologies for lack of updates recently. Life is getting in the way lol. But I have been making slow progress with my save.

End of 31/32 season, that's right, 10 years in!! Don't think I have ever made it that far haha. Fyi, this is still my Beta save!!

So, first of all, a big milestone was reached, I managed 500 games! 

I got Southampton to a 3rd place finish in the league. I am absolutely delighted with the outcome.

There was however a lot of inconsistent performances that need to be dealt with. I am also going to strip my tactics right back and start from scratch again. 

So plans are, completely revamp the squad while keeping finances in the black. I think it is going to be an ambitious season, but playing CL football will help I think.







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On 3/21/2022 at 7:03 PM, Derek said:

Happy Anniversary mate! 🤣 Ten years and an interesting journey so far.

Well done on the 3rd place finish, that's brilliant!


I was top for long enough, but inconsistency crept in. New patch out for the new season. Going with a 5-2-3 WB Wide, a wee bit like Conte.

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11 hours ago, Derek said:

Look forward to seeing those how your wing backs do then! 🙂

What's the media predicting for you this season?

They still have me mid table, 9th I think. I need to massively improve my squad tho. Quality players hard to find tho, plus trying to get a lot of homegrown players.

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  • 4 months later...

Just so everyone knows, I am still on this save, and I also moved on to Spurs and won back to back titles. I'm now moving into the 37/38 season and still going lol. This is by far, the longest save I have ever done. Here is a snapshot, will upload more screens when I can.



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