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Everything posted by priisek

  1. BOB N THE DONS | Beyond the Shores | #fm23 #footballmanager #fmVisit Priisek on YouTube
  2. NOT CUT N DRIED | Beyond the Shores | #fm23 #footballmanager #fmVisit Priisek on YouTube
  3. TAKING OUR MEDICINE | Beyond the Shores | #fm23 #footballmanager #fmVisit Priisek on YouTube
  4. THE FUTURE OF FM24 - Denzel Seedorf | NEXT GEN | #milan #fm23 #fm24Visit Priisek on YouTube
  5. Absolutely buzzing thank you to everyone who supports me & all that will follow in the future Huge thank you #FM #FM23 #FM24 #footballmanager @footballmanager
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Hi Everyone! A big thanks has to be said to All you guys & gals for inspiring me to do My Skins for FM23, a massive thanks for your support & Thanks again. The Retro Base skin is a great option but if you want all the bells & whistles there is the Retro Pro option if you wish to go down that route but you have the choice between these, its your call & many thanks for either option you pick. Depending on your personal preference. Do you run screen resolution over 1080p? Then Retro. 1080p or less, then 1080p. Do you like to do Instant Result? Then it's Retro IR. But are you a person that's like all the Hidden Attributes? Then it's Retro Plus (In Game Editor Required) You also have the option for a Bolder Font version for people who struggle with smaller standard Font Priisek VI (visual impairment) Plus a Stream option that helps people who do YouTube or Twitch which is optimised for larger Resolution Screens & larger Font to make it easier for viewers to see on screens. With Retro you can have the option to have different background options, from full background pack (download of background pack required) to blue, light grey & green. Or do you prefer the green grass background screen, then it's Priisek Green 28.07.23 08.00am GMT [b]14.10.23 00.00am GMT FINAL UPDATE of PRIISEK SKINS FM23 https://youtu.be/oxd-DTRtuY4 (DELETE ALL OLD & REINSTALL to WORK CORRECT) %%%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek.[/b] FINAL UPDATE of PRIISEK SKINS FM23 https://youtu.be/XgII1M7Wbsc Free FM23 or FM24 Comp here to & Skin Update Video https://youtu.be/SZwbEacCuUk (DELETE ALL OLD & REINSTALL to WORK CORRECT) %%%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek. LATEST CHANGE LOG: 04.03.23 08.00am GMT Update to the MATCH SCREEN as requested (pro) Updated Club Info Screen (prp) Colour changes on ALL skins, go check it out & more Free FM23 or FM24 Comp here to & Skin Update Video [h3]LATEST CHANGE LOG:[/h3] 29.01.23 23.15pm GMT HOT FIX to issue reported (DELETE ALL OLD & REINSTALL to WORK CORRECT) %%%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek.[/b] 28.01.23 9.00am GMT Lots of changes & they are all in the video. You asked for a Centre Profile option, go check it out & more 14.01.23 10.00am GMT Lots of changes & they are all in the video. You won't be disappointed. (DELETE ALL OLD & REINSTALL to WORK CORRECT) %%%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek. 09.12.22 08.45am GMT CHRISTMAS HAS COME EARLY FROM PRIISEK MAJOR UPDATE to HOME SCREEN New Base Home Screen or For ALL you GUYS & GALS who like STATS and INFO, now all in you HOME SCREEN. Your Favourite place to be. New Retro Home Screen Big thanks to Gary ( @FMwkdsoul & FME ) (DELETE ALL OLD & REINSTALL to WORK CORRECT) %%%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek. 26.11.22 11.00am GMT %%%% are here %%%% Fixed issue with resizing on Club Info Screen (1080p & below) Sorted the repeating panels in Player Profile (ALL Versions) (DELETE ALL OLD & REINSTALL to WORK CORRECT) %%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek. HOW TO INSTALL GUIDE. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/g0jc7zv1aog3u/FM_Setup What you get with PRIISEK Skins! Priisek RetroSkin Priisek Base Skin PLUS Retro = PRIISEK (for screen resolution over 1080p) 1080p = as PRIISEK with 1080p Res. IR = as PRIISEK but with Instant Result IR 1080p = as PRIISEK but with Instant Result in 1080p Plus = as Priisek but with Hidden Attributes CA/PA ( In Game Editor required ) COMING SOON Plus 1080p = as Plus but with 1080p. COMING SOON VI = Visual Impairment version. [style=callout alert]YOU MUST HAVE ALL AS PER THE SCREEN SHOT BELOW FOR ALL VERSIONS TO WORK! Skins are linked, one won't work without the other, but Base will work on its own.[/style] https://fmshots.com/images/2021/12/28/directoryf8824f2488cf65c8.png THE ABOVE WILL BE UPDATED TO FM23 ASAP BUT YOU GET THE IDEA.... Contact & Donation https://twitter.com/Priisek https://www.paypal.me/priisekskins$PayPal DONATION ARE VERY GRATEFULLY RECEIVED. Many Thanks for your support & please come join https://www.youtube.com/c/PRIISEK]my YouTube channel CHANGE LOG: 20.11.22 08.30am GMT %%%% are here %%%% FIXED ISSUE REPORTED of OVERLAPPING in MATCH Panels after Update (DELETE ALL OLD & REINSTALL to WORK CORRECT) %%%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek. 19.11.22 %%%% are here %%%% HOT FIX FOR SCOUTING PANELS Other small Tweaks & Updates..(DELETE ALL OLD & REINSTALL to WORK CORRECT) %%%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek. 11.11.22 11.10am GMT Upgraded a few reported issues, fixed clipping issues on Tactics Screen, (Please delete ALL files & reinstall to get the full fixes) %%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek. 23:20pm GMT 09.11.22 Upgraded a few reported issues, (Please delete ALL files & reinstall to get the full fixes) & general tidy up. %%%% are here %%%% Enjoy Priisek. Upgraded Match Screen Futher, Fixed Score Board Issue & Fixed Tab bar colour issue. 23:00pm 03.11.22 Fixed Contract Offer button not working. 05.20am 02.11.22 Bug Reports Please DM me with issues that you find, BUT YOU MUST TELL ME THE VERSION you are using. Many Thanks & Enjoy Priisek Credits and Thanks: OPZ Flut Skins Krysler76 Wozzie Gunzo MichaelMurrayUK
  7. https://youtu.be/4w2mmwfiAoM DF11 NEWGAN FACEPACK INSTALL GUIDE from The Skin Clinic #FM23 #fm23 #newgan #zealand #cutouts #footballmanager In this Episode we have the ultimate DF11 NEWGAN FACEPACK INSTALL GUIDE. Big thanks to @Zealand @maradona90 & @df11 for bringing us this massive improvement to our great game from @Football Manager https://df11faces.com/NewGan#NewGan+Facepack https://github.com/Maradonna90/NewGAN-Manager/releases/tag/v1.3.1 Also dont forget to follow us on TWITTER & SUB to MY YOUTUBE channel. https://twitter.com/priisek https://www.youtube.com/c/PRIISEK All skin updates & channel content is on Twitter 1st. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE FOR ALL FUTURE CONTENT, NEVER MISS IT & GET INVOLVED, COMMENTS DO HELP OUT This will be good for NEW & OLD players of the Sports Interactive Game. But please do comment below with any questions you many have? Download links below. https://www.fmscout.com/a-priisek-dark-fm22-skin.html https://www.fmscout.com/a-priisek-fm22-skin.html https://sortitoutsi.net/content/58936/priisek-dark-base-fm22-skin https://fm-base.co.uk/resources/priisek-dark-fm22-skin-updated-22-00pm-gmt-07-03-22-inc-fitness.5672/ paypal.me/priisekskins & please come follow on twitter https://twitter.com/priisek PC Spec: Windows 10 64 bit Intel Core i7-6900K CPU @ 3.50 GHz 32.0GB Ram NVidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
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