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Everything posted by priisek

  1. Great to hear the progress
  2. No probs mate. Hope it helps people out with installing. I no it was very complicated for some. So I've done this to help out. Any questions please just ask in the YouTube comments section of the video. Enjoy PRIISEK
  3. THE OFFICIAL DF11 NEWGAN FACEPACK INSTALL GUIDE from The Skin Clinic #FM22 #DF11 #PRIISEK @DF11Faces #FootballManager also works with the original @theoldzealand Facepack #zealand #cutouts #footballmanager This is the 37th Episode & we have the ultimate DF11 NEWGAN FACEPACK INSTALL GUIDE. Big thanks to @Zealand @maradona90 & @df11 for mbringing us this massive improvement to our great game from @Football Manager https://df11faces.com/NewGan#NewGan+Facepack https://github.com/Maradonna90/NewGAN-Manager/releases/tag/v1.3.1 Also dont forget to follow us on TWITTER & SUB to MY YOUTUBE channel. https://twitter.com/priisek https://www.youtube.com/c/PRIISEK All skin updates & channel content is on Twitter 1st. Please do come & watch our new series PARK TO LEGEND https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAlDGbpEoGbJkW2A9hmozHPXlRtM1c3Pg #fm22 #footballmanager2022 DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE FOR ALL FUTURE CONTENT, NEVER MISS IT & GET INVOLVED, COMMENTS DO HELP OUT This will be good for NEW & OLD players of the Sports Interactive Game. But please do comment below with any questions you many have? Download links below. https://www.fmscout.com/a-priisek-dark-fm22-skin.html https://www.fmscout.com/a-priisek-fm22-skin.html https://sortitoutsi.net/content/58936/priisek-dark-base-fm22-skin https://fm-base.co.uk/resources/priisek-dark-fm22-skin-updated-22-00pm-gmt-07-03-22-inc-fitness.5672/ paypal.me/priisekskins & please come follow on twitter https://twitter.com/priisek PC Spec: Windows 10 64 bit Intel Core i7-6900K CPU @ 3.50 GHz 32.0GB Ram NVidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
  4. A base skin alternative with a dark background. Get rid of nearly all the intense purple colors of the default FM22 skin. Hi Everyone! A big thanks has to be said to All you guys & gals for inspiring me to do a FM22 Skin after you downloaded my skins nearly 250k times... WOW Thanks again Updated 23.50pm GMT 12.05 For EVERYONE running at 1080p & had issues with the missing CLUB DETAILS in CLUB IN Here is the updated fix for you guys & gals Video to show & explain below https://youtu.be/mmBkMBEFj_U Enjoy Priisek What you get with PRIISEK Skins Dark = PRIISEK (for screen resolution over 1080p 1080p = as PRIISEK with 1080p Res IR = as PRIISEK but with Instant Result IR 1080p = as PRIISEK but with Instant Result in 1080p Plus = as Priisek but with Hidden Attributes CA/PA ( In Game Editor required ) Plus 1080p = as Plus but with 1080p VI = Visual Impairment version YOU MUST HAVE ALL AS PER THE SCREEN SHOT BELOW FOR ALL VERSIONS TO WOR Skins are linked, one won't work without the other, but Base will work on its own Contact Twitter @priisek PayPal priisek@outlook.com DONATION ARE VERY GRATEFULLY RECEIVED Many Thanks for your support & please come join my YouTube channel Please DM me with issues that you find, BUT YOU MUST TELL ME THE VERSION you are using Many Thanks & Enjoy Priisek Credits and Than OP Flut Skin Krysler7 Wozzi Gunzo MichaelMurray 1194182241_PRIISEKDARKSkins.rar 2016164820_PRIISEKGREENSkins.rar
  5. A base skin alternative with a dark background. Get rid of nearly all the intense purple colours of the default FM21 skin. Massive Overhaul with Basic & Pro Version. Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/wo734pnu8h4mf/priisek_skin Pro Extra Options are to be placed in the PRO skins folder. If you wish to use them. All go the in Pro folder, some will overright. Just say yes. But if you want to undo. Delete Pro folder & reinstall the original Pro folder. Hope that helps. Thanks again for downloading. You need BASIC in your folder to get PRO to work & BASIC + PRO to get PRO PLUS to work, DONOT OVER WRITE EACH FOLDER, MUST LOOK LIKE BELOW. YOUR SKINS FOLDER MUST LOOK LIKE THE ABOVE SCREEN SHOT TO GET PRO VERSIONS TO WORK!! Thanks & please do ALL go subscribe to my YouTube channel. Love to see you ALL over there. (1080p inside Pro Extra Options folder) Also Updated lots of colours & Fonts throughout the skin for PRO Normal & PRO Touch Users #All above is for PRO Versions Only# Thanks PRIISEK PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRO VERSIONS! Hi Thanks for downloading my skin this season & hope you have enjoyed it so far. With this latest update, its now been updated to Basic & a DONATION ONLY PRO/PRO PLUS Version. This is a £1.50 Sterling to get this option. https://www.paypal.me/priisekskins Once donated, please email me priisek@outlook.com with proof of your £1.50 sterling paypal donation. Many Thanks for your support & please come join the youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/PRIISEK Priisek ps. you need BASIC in your folder to get PRO to work & BASIC + PRO to get PRO PLUS to work, DONOT OVER WRITE EACH FOLDER Also IR version (not in when shot) (Instant Result option) doesn't have HIDDEN ATTRIBUTES but Pro Plus does. ____________________________________ ★PRO★ Default is 40% Opaque just for reference ★★PRO IR (Instant Result)★★ ★★★PRO PLUS Option★★★ ★★★This gives you the HIDDEN ATTRIBUTES if you own the IN GAME EDITOR! ★★★ In game editor required if you want the full CAPA info (Hidden Attributes) & fresh game required. ★Basic Version★ Massive Overhaul with Basic Version & Pro/Pro Plus Version including Touch Pro Versions too. _________________________________ New YouTube channel just started, related to my skin & let's play to come. Come on over & join! https://youtube.com/channel/PRIISEK IMPORTANT NOTICE. YOU MUST DELETE OLD VERSION BEFORE INSTALLING LATEST VERSION For those who don't no.DF11 is a Facepack community. The normal version is the standard cutout Facepack, you can use either, it will not be an issue. Hope that helps people. Used OPZ Elite 2020 as starting point. Big thanks to wannachupbrew, yacs, woz, flut, opz, kojura, heffem, FMPortugal & many others. Many thanks to you guys that have donated so far, means a lot & help me to keep it updated. Contact & Donation https://www.paypal.me/priisekskins
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