Hello guys i'm a t half season and now shared the link for the download too whit us, i'm manage WSG Tirol media prediction 8th place, and for the media we have to fight for relegation,
so i try make a 442 whit good attack and defence and think i'm near very close to get the right way.
SHAPE whit my best 11:
Result for now:
Key Player ( for me) :
Conclusion ( for now):
Is this tactic invincible ? NO and No but is a good base to work for get good result!
I need big player? I don't know if whit big player works too but in next test i try it.
The DOWNLOAD IS ATTACH, if u want test it and let me know ur result!!!!
If the Attach don't work u can download this tactic here:
442 FanTaSia v1.1_By_Extinction.fmf