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Everything posted by Scy

  1. AS Luxembourg have switched IDs (or actually, changed club licence) Old 2000186195 New 2000287040
  2. Syria ID 137
  3. update with pngs24.14.zip
  4. Kicker did a neat badge article compliation recently https://www.kicker.de/was-hinter-den-wappen-steckt-979720/thema: Ajax will change their logo in the coming season https://www.kicker.de/ajax-amsterdam-kehrt-zum-vereinsjubilaeum-zum-alten-logo-zurueck-1068393/artikel And as is in the pack, A. Madrid use their traditional logo once again https://www.kicker.de/offiziell-atletico-madrid-kehrt-2024-zum-alten-wappen-zurueck-956950/artikel
  5. These are all in the pack, and in good quality. Why bother sharing them?
  6. an update 24.13.zip
  7. Warning massive logo change at CL giant club FC Bayern München ...
  8. 38060173
  9. Whoever designed this deserves a special place in hell 7524233 Jászapáti.svg
  10. 38060037 Bükkzsérc.svg
  11. 38042179
  12. 38042168 Bogács.svg
  13. 7521301 Egerszalók.svg
  14. I am not certain which one is in use, but 67083529 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Séneca_CF This is better quality than the image in the pack
  15. 38060269 Herend.svg
  16. 38005482 Abda.svg
  17. 7521330 Rakamaz.svg
  18. 7521329 RAFC.svg
  19. 38042177 Ásotthalom.svg
  20. Can anyone find vector files for the elephant and the mouse? apparently Adobe's stock collection has the elephant at least... Scrap that, their preview image is good enough quality
  21. 7521292 Békés.svg
  22. 7521341 Tápiószecsó.svg
  23. 38042167 Méhkerék.svg
  24. 38042191 Lábatlan.svg
  25. 38033010 Tolna.svg
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