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Everything posted by Scy

  1. 38060077 Újszeged.svg
  2. 7521280 Petőháza.svg
  3. 38060024 Nagyszénás.svg
  4. 7521309 Hajdúdorog.svg
  5. 7521293 Beremend.svg
  6. 38017650 Jánoshida.svg
  7. 38042176 Unione.svg
  8. 2000170305 Aris Bonnevoie.svg
  9. And a true masterpiece of naïve art, the veritable pièce de résistance of badge design which cried for a vector implementation 38042172 Now I am kinda bummed, it is way better than it deserves to be. At least the charm of the totally unaligned and asymmetrical layout is kept somewhat. Sajóbábony.svg
  10. 38013498 - now I feel vindicated to make svg versions of obscure badges if it is not only me who gets to see them. Ajka Kristály.svg
  11. 7522810 still not amazing quality, but a step better
  12. flags-correct aspect ratio.zip
  13. BTW I have a flag pack (which I have from somewhere but I cannot recall anymore where from, but certainly not my work, though I did change those French dependencies from the tricolore), which has the flags with their correct side ratios. Would that be of interest for an alternative flag pack?
  14. I don't see it. - ah I see, I have downloaded version 24.00 and update 24.12
  15. 1221 done properly (the white lines show up with the current one on a dark background with the original for instance) 1221 impr.svg
  16. 2000284713 2000284710 2000284711 2000284707 2000284705
  17. 2000269817
  18. 128172 Or rather 7521255 this is a nicer blue 7521267 higher quality 7521329 slightly unembroidered 7522628 more in line with contemporary design (00-20s) 7522810 play in yellow-black in their latest incarnation
  19. 38013498 For 38013481 I would recommend using simply the town's coat of arms 38019807 38033007 without an elephant having had sit on it 38037171 I think this is a cleaner 38037176 Békéscsaba II 38041489 38042159 alternative (but low quality) 38042170 38060116 38060118 2000210094 legible for all backgrounds
  20. A Luxembourg pack. Most of the logos are identical to the one in the pack, but with an svg format quicker formatting may be possible. Some of them are updated. Contains 3-4 pngs as well. Lux svg badges.zip
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