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Everything posted by Markitos

  1. @AndreaSSL1900
  2. Happy new years mates! New logo 76040720
  3. This logo already in pack. I think, before we put a "missing" logo, put what pack we use. For example, I used Vapor and ID XXXX is missing. Because do we put logos that are already in some packs and suddenly replace them with better ones or give more work to @Derek
  4. @Derek you not add this logos in pack, I put one month ago..
  5. New Mexico Logo Nation ID 379 And change in this competitions 135976, 51013998, 51013999, 51064382, 51064383, 100000076, 100000078
  6. So in this case, for example, the pack you use is already updated with a greater number of logos and logos increased in size, while the one i use at the moment not yet. I always download the most updated pack and see which logos are missing but i don'u use that.
  7. I download the Vapour and look un this pack
  8. I asked a Chilean friend of mine, this logo is for the third in general (both groups) then these 2 were made for A and B. So this is the official one,
  9. Update Chilean Third Division A – ID 5250794 Update Chilean Third Division B – ID 75016814, 75045762, 75045763, 75045764
  10. @AndreaSSL1900 all Chilean competition logos already in pack, please check before.
  11. 1641 missing logos from all world. LINK
  12. South America 2
  13. @Derek You have to be careful with logos that contain a lot of white, for example, look how these logos have turned out. Original In FM
  14. Im research all south american missing logos.
  15. Nice! I think my best ever was a save with Darlington a lonnnngggg time ago ? Ended up with a young Andres D'Alessandro and Carlos Tevez as AMC and ST in League One all the way up to the Prem. Jajaja, long save are amaizing. I always plays in England or Scotland a long save.
  16. Liverpool or York City for a large save.
  17. What a great start! I like the tactic you chose and Traore is "onfire!"
  18. If you want to add more styles, do it, I don't particularly like them hahaha. Already in love with the FMG
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