Another update.
Originally, one of the demands of the licensing committee of the KNVB is that Coley Parry can't have any influence of any sorts regarding Vitesse. This was a no go, and if Parry did have any future influence, the club would never get their pro license back.
Fast forward to a week ago. Guus Franke has stepped down as future owner, and blames Parry for it. Former business partners of Franke already warned Vitesse several times that Franke is unreliable, a fraud, as a whole not trustworthy. Franke had a deal with Parry about the debt of 17M, but at the same time, Franke was also still under investigation of the KNVB. Both parties are fighting it out through the media, and blaming each other.
The thing is, there seemed to be a 'sideletter', a document between Franke and Parry, which proves that Parry would still have influence on the sell of shares of Vitesse, which was a no go for the license committee. The board of Vitesse claim they did not know about this document, which is naive.
If they knew, the club could lose their license for good. If they did not know, as said, naive.
Meanwhile as well, the club had a six point deduction, and because of the debt, the accountant cannot sign off the bills for next year, which will likely result in another point deduction. Vitesse are bottom KKD at this moment.
This fucking soap never seems to end.....