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Everything posted by AndreaSSL1900

  1. COMPETITIONS Albi Mall Superliga (Kosovo) - ID 89056580
  2. Empedoclina new logo - ID 43157500 ALT 90 year anniversary Niscemi new logo - ID 43106611 Biancavilla new logo - ID 43269834 Solarino new logo - ID 43386463 Gela Calcio new logo - ID 43066241 Priolo Gargallo updated logo - ID 2000045305 Primavera Marsala new logo - ID 43386422
  3. Scisciano new logo better quality - ID 43126927
  4. Savona new logo - ID 831121
  5. Sant'Arpino new logo - ID 43077472 Internapoli new logo - ID 43157560 Pianura new logo - ID 43036955 Stella Rossa 2006 updated logo - ID 43126957 Sant'Aniello Gragnano new logo - ID 2000115095 Nuceria new logo - ID 2000052543 Giffonese new logo - ID 43066330 Gragnano new logo - ID 43210770 Living Sarno new logo - ID 43391417 Faraone new logo - ID 2000051836 Ascea new logo - ID 43126995 Battipagliese new logo - ID 2187 Campagna new logo - ID 43066266 Rovella new logo - ID 43066331 Olevanese new logo - ID 43158000 Olympica Cilento new logo - ID 2000052549 Dungannon Tigers updated logo - ID 52033827 Armagh updated logo (darker blue version) - ID 130032
  6. Qualiano new logo - ID 43157186 Casapesenna missing logo - ID 43158001 Lusciano new logo - ID 2000020706 Lions Grotta new logo - ID 43157148 San Martino Valle Caudina new logo - ID 43077480 We Ll Come United new logo - ID 43211206 Real San Nicola new logo - ID 43321214 Castelfranci correct logo - ID 43126965 Sporting Lioni new logo - ID 43157193 Visciano new logo - ID 43126963 Boys Napoli new logo - ID 43157991 K-Team Casalnuovo new logo - ID 43210976 Scisciano new logo - ID 43126927 Viribus Unitis new logo - ID 831369 Barrese Est Unit new logo - ID 43411893
  7. Some logos are yet done but their ID must be switched: Treca NL - ID 129755, 129756, 129757, 129758, 129759 ---> Druga NL - ID 145436 Treca NL - ID 129755, 129756, 129757, 129758, 129759
  8. @Markitos Can you check croatian DB on sortitousi after the latest update and tell me if the new ID for third division Druga Nogometna Liga ( ID 2000239663) is official or fake? On Sortitousi the third division have this ID: 145436 In this season Croatia football pyramid have a new structure: 1st tier -- hrvatska nogometna liga (hnl)2nd tier -- prva nogometna liga (1. nl)3rd tier -- druga nogometna liga (2. nl)4th tier -- treća nogometna liga (3. nl)5th tier and below -- regional and local leagues organized by the county football associations3. HNL (former third tier) is not the same as 3. NL (current fourth tier). i personally find the naming a big fail because people outside of croatia will be misled or confused by it. when 3. hnl was the third tier, there were regional groups and only the first and second tier were unified leagues. now, the first three tiers are unified leages. 3. nl, which is the current fourth tier, has pretty much the same regional groups as the old 3. hnl. Thanks to @cameosis for the infos
  9. That's why the logo for druga nl (2.nl) is into the logo pack but have the wrong IDs, cause is assigned to treca nogometna liga (3.nl) groups as you can see of my screenshoots. Druga nl (2.nl) have a new ID created from scratch and is missing
  10. @cameosis croatian third tier Druga Liga NL is it created recently in this season? i don't remember this division in the last season and into FM 22 croatian DB made by cro-manager
  11. You're right, but Sortitousi is the only site where you can see all the IDs in the game, so inevitably it becomes the source to refer to for searching and updating logos. Obviously any new team officially created doesn't have an ID and must be created from scratch and then inserted into the database. This is the case of many logos of the lower Italian divisions that I deal with for example. For this reason it is normal to have doubts about the IDs not present in the Sortitousi database and there is the risk that the invented IDs will replace the logos of already registered teams, it has already happened
  12. Your help and your quality logos check it's precious mate
  13. Ahahahaha i chose Zmaj Makarska because is Alen Boksic hometown, my idol when i was a kid and played for Lazio my team. Thanks to him i started to have a simpathy for Croatia national team since Euro 96 in England. Boksic, Suker, Jarni, Asanovic, Simic, Vlaovic (not the serbian player with H in the name), Soldo, Prosinecki, Stimac, Pletikosa and surely i forgot someone else...what a squad. Nothing to compare with Modric and others players now but was a big team
  14. @cameosis on Cro-manager.net they did the whole pyramid of croatian football. Can you take a look on it and check what team logos and competition logos need to be update? being a native speaker for you is easier than for me doing the research
  15. So the dalmatian third an fourth tier where play Zmaj Makarska, the team i'm managing actually, doesnt have an official competition logos?
  16. Croatian football federation website about third tier https://hns-cff.hr/natjecanja/supersport-druga-nl/
  17. Jadran Tucepi new logo - ID 661682 Source - Facebook official page HNK Val new logo - ID 129880 Source - Facebook official page Omis new logo - ID 129875 Source - Facebook official page Omladinac Vranjic new logo - ID 661094
  18. COMPETITIONS Supersport Druga Nogometna Liga - ID 2000239663 ALT
  19. I ask for your help in finding a decent image of the logo of this croatian competition Treca Nogometna Liga Jug (also known as 3. HNL Jug) is one of Croatia third tier group - ID 129756 ALT
  20. Tarbes Pyrenees Football new logo - ID 2064 Source - Facebook official page COMPETITIONS Championnat Regional 1 Occitanie new logo - ID 2000003906, 2000003907, 2000003908 Source - Facebook official page
  21. FC Lourdes new logo - ID 49033437 Source - Lourdes official website
  22. New Uzbekistan cup logo - ID 7900425 Source - Uzbekistan Professional Football League website
  23. Almas Roma new logo - ID 43048782 Source - Official Facebook profile
  24. Malaysia and Asia updates https://mega.nz/file/pQkhTbjZ#NLROqrX5F0EvIiWBEDJ-9-iNs5CqSiF6uomvqkS6P5s
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