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Logo Design Request Thread


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Last one for a while if you can help I promise 


would you be able to update dulwich hamlets badge I’d like it be circle with the writing round the side like the other 2 and if you could add anything you think would make it look better that would be great! 

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Thank you for all the work! I already use some fantasy logos that are delivered with the megapack and I love them.

I like to ask if you could do one design for me. The logo of my favourite club "Hamburger SV" (short: hsv) looks kind of old, very simple design and is just a rectangle flag. Could try to do a modern, minimalistic version of it with a round shape? Maybe with a small black border to finish the design, but if you have any ideas to make it look nice, feel free to integrate them! It's only important to keep the rhombus in the middle, as this is the key element of the logo. The clubs colours are blue (main colour), white (present colour) and black (accent colour)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was wondering if you would be able to help me create a badge for a created team below is the name and some pictures I’d like in the badge if possible 


Can you do 2 badges with different names as I want to see what looks best 


One with Isle of Wight AONB

2nd with Newport Town FC

A circle modern look badge 

my team will be based on the Isle of Wight so would love if the badge could be Mayb a a light blue centre with dark blue where the words will be with gold lettering  ( this is due to it being a nice beach destination)

below are the images I’d love you to put in if possible the shield id love to be a bit more modernised but if that’s asking for a lot i understand 

also if you want to add something to the badge to make it look more modern or better please feel free 


as always appreciate your time and efforts with everything you do for everyone your work is truly amazing 


thank you in advance for any help with this!




Edited by Rollin93
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9 minutes ago, Rollin93 said:

don’t suppose you could size them to the game? I never seem to do it properly 


thank you again man!

I've just set photoshop to batch logos for the next 7-8 hours mate but I can do it for you once it's finished.

Alternatively you can follow these steps. Let me know if you don't need me to do it.


Resize to 512 pixels - automatically it should resize to 512x512

save the logo


Resize to 180 pixels - automatically it should resize to 180x180

save the logo


Resize the height to 36 - automatically it should be 36x36

change the canvas width to 50 pixels

save the logo


Resize to 25 pixels - automatically it should be 25x18

save the logo

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2 minutes ago, Derek said:

I've just set photoshop to batch logos for the next 7-8 hours mate but I can do it for you once it's finished.

Alternatively you can follow these steps. Let me know if you don't need me to do it.


Resize to 512 pixels - automatically it should resize to 512x512

save the logo


Resize to 180 pixels - automatically it should resize to 180x180

save the logo


Resize the height to 36 - automatically it should be 36x36

change the canvas width to 50 pixels

save the logo


Resize to 25 pixels - automatically it should be 25x18

save the logo

No that’s perfect I can do it myself thank you!

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8 hours ago, Diaz28 said:

Please 🙂

It's no problem mate 😀 This is a busy month for my photoshop app as I prepare the new megapacks.

Whenever it is not batching logos for our new styles I will get these done. Hopefully later on this evening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. You can modify this emblem a little, to make it look more professional. For example, the shadow is half half, just like the shield in the emblem of the city or arsenal. Or you can also modify the V in the middle, but let it remain as two stripes. Thank you very much. 🫡🍻



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