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Everything posted by cameosis

  1. @Markitos do you have the ids for new competitions that will be added to fm 25?
  2. caf women’s cl new logo (without place and year) alt 1 - white text (main logo has colored text and trophy, see below) alt 2 alt 3 afcon qualifiers - id 147032 alt - main version is vertical (text below logo)
  3. new logo and trophy for caf super cup - id 131273 main alt
  4. Version 2025.00


    FMG Lineal Color Flags Flag pack based on the lineal color icon style, containing correct and current nation flags (as of December 2024). It covers all nations included in the official SI database, extinct nations/teams, and in addition to that a range of flags that can be used for custom database projects. Notable flag corrections/updates compared to many other packs include, but are not limited to: • Afghanistan • British India (»Singh Indian«) • Ceylon (»Tamil Indian«) • Commonwealth of Independent States (»Commonwealth of Soviet States«) • Guadeloupe • Malaya (»Borneo Malay«) • Malaya (»West Malay«) • Martinique • Mauritania • Réunion • Saint Martin • Syria • Taiwan (»Chinese Taipei (China PR)«) In order to better tell nations apart which have similar flags, state flags and flag variants with coats of arms have been chosen as the main variants, where available. If you prefer the plain / civil flag variants, you will find them in the »alternatives« folder. Similarly, for overseas territories and dependencies, flags in local use have been chosen as the main variant to represent the respective nation. Thanks for downloading and enjoy the pack. Installation Guide 1) Download the pack. 2) Unzip the files using an archiver. We recommend Winrar for Windows and Keka for Mac but most applications will work. https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0 https://www.keka.io/en/ 3) Once unpacked place your pack into the folder below based on your operating system. Windows: \Users\<your username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2025\graphics\ Mac OS: Users/YOUR MAC USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2025/graphics 4) Next you will want to go to FM and select 'Preferences' from the start screen or in your game and select 'Advanced". 5) Then untick 'Use caching to decrease page loading times'. 6) Next tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences'. 7) Finally, select 'Reload Skin' and after a brief pause your graphics will be visible.
  5. i'll reup it. i don't check the packs after i submit logos, simply no time, thanks for the heads up. could you have a look and tell me if the other portuguese logos i drew are included? Académico Viseu - ID 2388 União de Lamas - ID 2392 SC Campomaiorense - ID 2385 Clapton Community - ID 2000072448
  6. not really - i had drawn a better rendition of this logo two years ago, it’s already in the pack.
  7. for dark backgrounds: for bright backgrounds
  8. logo for the planned competition »unify league« -- we’ll see if it will be still-born like its predecessor, the super league. top part only, without the claim »one for all«
  9. this gives off strong spongebob squarepants vibes …
  10. id 13108178 - correct name is ndangane foot center https://www.facebook.com/p/Ndangane-Foot-Center-Nfc-100057829082440/ top element in bigger resolution: id 2000095778 - limbé fc the logo above is of a club from haiti, not cameroon - it last competed in the second haitian division do not use the logo for the cameroonian club, but add it to the no-id or alternatives folder https://www.facebook.com/people/Limbe-football-clubLFC/100063571157289/ correct logo is on the right: alternative (on jersey):
  11. scunthorpe united anniversary logo - vector format: https://www.scunthorpe-united.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/knapton-wright/images/SUFC-Logo.svg
  12. nk grobničan - id 129843 vector https://nkgrobnican.hr/wp-content/uploads/grobnican-logo-navigation-responsive-gold-code-removed-1.svg
  13. this is the alt version for dark backgrounds and not an »improvement« - i had posted the main logo in august, and a number of the logos over at sortitoutsi as well. there is a search option in the top right corner which works very well when checking for logo dupes or similar posts. i had submitted the caf competitions both in french and english, albeit as sponsor-free logos.
  14. correct logo for nk hrvace - id 663045 the logo circulating online with the year »2000« is incorrect and likely a fantasy version.
  15. historical:
  16. vectors for fk behar - id 23387311 fc dardanët - id 30047573
  17. the updated font used for 1949 is aachen bold.
  18. first croatian women’s football league - sponsor logo since the 2024/2025 season:
  19. i appreciate your contributions and effort - it would help to leave out remarks like »correct« et al until the logos have been verified either by yourself or someone else, as there have been a number of cases (such as today), when logos were not correct or current.
  20. the polish cup competition is already included, i had posted it with alternatives. the ofc nations cup logo is outdated, it was renamed to ofc men’s nations cup, i had posted the current logo.
  21. retraced images/logos are fine as placeholders until a better version/resolution is available, but they are not improvements, as the quality is in fact worse thanks to the auto tracing, and shouldn’t be labeled as such.
  22. this one should already be in the pack, along with variants - i had posted this back in july:
  23. no, this is not correct - this is a fantasy logo. druga NL is the THIRD LEAGUE, not the second. the second league used to be called druga HNL. the correct logos for the croatian league competitions are already included and shouldn’t be touched until there is an official redesign or update. i have posted the vectors just a week ago, scroll up on this page. the naming after the reform has been discussed and explained at length in the thread.
  24. if only they had centered the logo and made the edges even ...
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