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Everything posted by cameosis

  1. league 1 alberta will become a division of league 1 canada from 2024 onwards: https://league1alberta.com/ vector (»exhibition series« needs to be removed) assocLogo.svg historical league 1 alberta (started as an exhibition series) ligue 1 québec vector https://ligue1quebec.ca/wp-content/themes/plsq/images/LogoLigue1.svg ligue 1 québec historical ligue 1 québec league 1 ontario historical league 1 ontario league 1 british columbia historical league 1 british columbia
  2. historical 1 historical 2 fc santes anniversary - 50087349
  3. nigeria premier football league https://npfl.com.ng/about/ and one more with my main man
  4. they don’t literally call the club »moody diva« for no reason! usually smashing top teams and then non-existent on the pitch against lower league or bottom teams. https://en.eintracht.de/news/a-diva-goes-to-europe-42668
  5. eintracht shredded munich yesterday. needless to say i'm having a beautiful weekend.
  6. perfect, thanks! the more, the merrier
  7. bigger resolution
  8. latvia competitions: level 01 league - virsliiga level 02 league - 1. liiga https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/ONL-league.svg historical (2015-2020) level 03 league - 2. liiga https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/AlteroLIIGA.svg level 04 league - 3. liiga https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/lv/0/04/DaliDali3liga.svg level 04 league - riga regional zone level 04 league - rietumu regional zone how the 3. liiga with the regional promotions works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latvian_Third_League latvian cup https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/LatvianCupLogo.svg variant 1 variant 2 historical latvian supercup doesn't seem to have a logo
  9. anniversary logo
  10. it's incorrect - a homemade graphic for wikipedia, conmebol is misspelled - »conmbol« - missing the »campeón« title, and the framing lines are also different:
  11. dutch tweede divisie - 37059991 (sponsor logo):
  12. i actually like it
  13. barcelona upcoming anniversary logo for next season: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0O4maZxVHx/
  14. new logo for the regional berlin football association and thus the league as well, need to add the league part, this is a placeholder for the time being: https://bfv-relaunch2023.squarespace.com/
  15. new top flight in zambia, zambian premier league: https://bolanews.co/soccer/zambian-super-league/new-zambian-premier-league-launched-kamanga-explains/
  16. this is odd (i had supplied a load of federation and team logos a year back), but can unfortunately happen due to the sheer amount of logos that need to be added and updated in the game, there will always be some that slip through the cracks. multiply that with the different styles/templates derek provides and you end up with hundreds of thousands of logos that are processed through editing. i will eventually do an update on federations and organizations specifically in the future, to ensure that they're all correct.
  17. yes, i had found these as well -- the building inside is of better quality with the old logo, only the club name needs to be updated.
  18. bigger resolution:
  19. better quality/clean paths, name would need to be updated:
  20. vectors: https://campeonatochileno.cl//uploads/primera/imagen/1697458193080_DWS_2023_7.svg https://campeonatochileno.cl//uploads/ascenso/imagen/1697458205197_DWS_2023_5.svg https://campeonatochileno.cl//uploads/segunda/imagen/1672519314786_DWS_2022_6.svg bigger resolutions: historical:
  21. you seem to misunderstand, i will clarify it for you: the color of the jersey is irrelevant just as is the fact if you remember seeing them play or not - the coat of arms is always on the team jerseys, whether home or away kit, it has been for many years. i'm sure you saw that it's the official federation web shop. the point of contention was not that the main logo should not be the federation logo - we had staff discussions where i also suggested to only display federation crests. your claim that it's the »wrong« logo is wrong, however. many federations have different logos for the organization itself and for the national team, some even have different logos for female and male teams. this has become increasingly common for several years now. armenia is one of a number of federations where the national coat of arms or national symbol is used for the team; turkey, russia are others. in fact, this is technically the CORRECT logo, because in the game you manage a team/squad, not the federation itself. because many federations don't have separate team logos, for consistency purposes it is better to use the federation logos, but the team logo is not »wrong«. there are alternative/retro/fantasy folders in the pack where you can choose the logo of your liking.
  22. vector: according to official fb and club site, this is logo is on their jerseys (left académie de football - right amadou diallo): https://www.facebook.com/afadplateauofficiel variant without text on the left and the right: historical:
  23. no idea about the id(ea)
  24. cleaner paths, official club site:
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