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FMG Standard Logos Megapack FMG Standard Logos Megapack for Football Manager 2023 includes nearly 78,000 individual logos and includes alternative, fantasy and retro logos. This pack also includes 180x180 pixel logos for use in Football Manager Mobile. Thank you to all the researchers and members for their invaluable help.21 points
This update is essential for those who regularly use FM Graphics or plan to start with FM25. Keep an eye out for the new megapacks and remember to follow the guidelines below to ensure a smooth experience. FM25 Megapacks Release Timeline - The final update for FM24 megapacks will be released by the end of this month, followed by the new FM25 megapacks 1-3 days later. Advice - If your current megapack is up to date, simply download the final update for FM24 instead of the entire new FM25 megapack. The current megapack is compatible with FM25 due to the continuation of monthly updates. First-Time Downloaders - If you haven’t downloaded a megapack before or in a while, it’s recommended to wait for the FM25 megapacks instead of downloading the FM24 pack and 12 updates. FMG Logo Megapack News Discontinued Packs - FMG Button, D11, and Stone Logos will not return for FM25. New Style - A new logo style will be introduced with the FM25 megapacks and is already complete. FM Mobile Megapacks - These will return as standalone packs after being incorporated into regular packs last year. Message to Members High Demand - Expect heavy traffic on the site around the FM25 Beta release, with an estimated 5,000-10,000 new members per week. Download Sources - Links to Mega and Mediafire will be provided for downloads, with no direct downloads from the FMG servers this year. Site Support - The site is free and relies on volunteers, but operating costs are high, especially for downloads and bandwidth. Registration Requirement - Registering is necessary to limit downloads per person and avoid overwhelming the site. Download Managers - Avoid using download managers to prevent automatic temporary bans due to repeated download attempts. This is important! Final Notes Patience! The FMG team asks for patience from members during this busy period. Once again, there are no charges or subscription fees for this site so please keep this in mind.11 points
Version 2025.00
FMG Standard Logos Megapack This pack contains nearly 87,000 individual logos in a clean style. Pack and Template by @Derek Research Team @schweigi @AndreaSSL1900 @cameosis @Markitos @rioplworks @Alieeks @kristo @ateesz @Kriss @GriloKiko @wfm18 @Lavegaks @Scy @diego1960 @Heval @Oleksandr_Horobets @The Newic @NassFas @Vakama2619 @Thewes @minky79 @ElMatador @spankz @Girafi @CobraHarp91 @Vasiliy92 @Shark @kenolio @inohcanoss @tomek0290 @M3RN @Copywriter @hlourencoam @sptndc @douyilmaz @Moondog777 @ni9ht1991 @shadow Pack Contents Each pack consists of official logos which we referred to as 'Normal' logos. We offer 'Alternative' logos in each of our packs which are logos that clubs may wear as shirt logos, perhaps in different colours, anniversary editions but are all based on official logos used by that organisation. We've also added 'Fantasy" logos to the packs which are great for future saves and 'Create-A-Club' games. In fact, all the logos created in our Design Factory are included in the megapacks. We have also got an option for the 'Retro' fans with a great selection of historic logos from many teams and competitions. Each pack also contains our very own default minimal style for those logos we haven't yet covered. However, if you wish to stick with the original default logos from the FM series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file. Installation Guide - New FMG Logo Megapacks 1) Download the pack of your choice. 2) Unzip the files using an archiver. We recommend Winrar for Windows and Keka for Mac but most applications will work. https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0 https://www.keka.io/en/ 3) Once unpacked place your pack into the folder below based on your operating system. Windows: \Users\<your username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2025\graphics\ Mac OS: Users/YOUR MAC USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2025/graphics 4) Next you will want to go to FM and select 'Preferences' from the start screen or in your game and select 'Advanced". 5) Then untick 'Use caching to decrease page loading times'. 6) Next tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences'. 7) Finally, select 'Reload Skin' and after a brief pause your graphics will be visible. Installation Guide - Existing FMG Logo Megapacks The 180x180 size logos will no longer be made for future FMG Logos desktop packs. Although this size is used in other logo styles, our 512x512 sized logos are perfect for large screens and in-game zoom. We recommend removing the 180x180 logos from existing packs to make future updates smoother. To do so correctly follow the instructions below. 1) Create a new folder anywhere on your device. 2) Move the @2x folder from Clubs-> Normal into the newly created folder. 3) Then move the 'config' file from Clubs-> Normal into the @2x folder. 3) Delete the Normal folder containing the 180x180. 4) Place the @2x folder back into the Clubs-> Normal folder and rename it Normal. 5) Repeat these steps for Clubs, Competitions, Confederations and Nations. Alternatively you may simply download a new megapack. Installation Guide - FMG Monthly Logo Updates Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. This MUST be done for all three sizes (512x512px, 50x36px and 25x18px) or you will have issues displaying the logos in-game. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. I would advise creating a copy of the original logos before replacing them. Helpful Tips & FAQ's Why are the packs so large in size? Each pack contains nearly 87,000 logos in three different sizes which means their are nearly 261,000 files included in each megapack. Each image is compressed using lossy compression at 60% minification which reduces the file size without compromising the quality. Why are the 180x180 pixel logos no longer in the logo megapacks? The 180x180 logos were contained in the previous megapacks to cater for FM Mobile users. The development of the FM25 game and expected growth in mobile users has led us to develop a standalone set of FM Mobile megapacks. Removing these logos will not effect your game in anyway once you have followed the instructions above or downloaded a new FM25 Megapack. Why are there less overall logos in the FM25 Megapacks? The main reason for this as outlined above is the removal of the 180x180 sized logos but also improved compression and a cleanup of the packs by our team. However, the overall individual logo total has increased by 3,500 to 87,500 compared to the FM24 packs which had 84,000 logos. This will result in improved performance in-game and less storage requirements. Why is my download taking so long? Despite improved file sizes of each pack, the overall pack size remains considerable due to the amount of logos. It is also worth mentioning if you are downloading the packs around beta or full game release this can have an impact as it's our busiest time of the year by far. We offer Mediafire and Mega file links for all packs but Mediafire is not unlimited. We have tested every file once uploaded which includes downloading, unzipping and installing. Why does my download fail repeatedly? If your file download is repeatedly stopping at a certain point you should change your browser and start again. This only happens to a small percentage of people but the good news is 99% of the time the issue is resolved by following this advice. Please try this and keep it in mind before leaving a poor review or rating! Again, we have tested every file once uploaded which includes downloading, unzipping and installing. Can the megapacks be used on FM Mobile and FM Console? Please use the dedicated FM Mobile packs for this content. Can I remove the Alternative, Fantasy & Retro logos? Yes. If you have no interest in these items please feel free to delete them. I've installed an update but some logos are not displaying now, what can I do? 100% of the time we have had this issue is because the files for all three sizes have not been copied across to the megapack. Please make sure you follow the installation guide above by copying files over to the corresponding folders in the megapack. This importantly includes the @2x folders. Please ensure only the contents of the folders are moved across and not the actual folders to avoid overwriting the megapack. Can I replace the new FMG Minimal Default logos in the pack? Yes. If you wish to use the original default logos from the FM series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file.Our feelings won't be hurt.6 points -
Version 2024.12
FMG Standard Logos 2024.12 Pack by Derek Research Team @schweigi @cameosis @Markitos @AndreaSSL1900 @rioplworks @Alieeks @Kriss @ateesz @GriloKiko @kristo @wfm18 @Antonio La Magna @Lavegaks @ringofdie @Jamaicaman90 @Scy Installation Instructions Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin.6 points -
Version 2024.08
FMG Standard Logos 2024.08 Pack by Derek Research Team @schweigi @cameosis @Markitos @AndreaSSL1900 @shadow @Lavegaks @NassFas @rioplworks @kristo @The Newic @Vakama2619 @dotdot @wfm18 @skyfaker15 @dseagull Installation Instructions Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. I would advise creating a copy of the original logos before replacing them.6 points -
Version 2025.04
FMG Standard Logos 2025.04 Pack and template by @Derek Research Team @schweigi @AndreaSSL1900 @cameosis @Markitos @ateesz @rioplworks @Kriss @NassFas @ElCheffe @diego1960 @wfm18 @kenolio @Copywriter Pack Contents Each pack consists of official logos which we referred to as 'Normal' logos. We offer 'Alternative' logos in each of our packs which are logos that clubs may wear as shirt logos, perhaps in different colours, anniversary editions but are all based on official logos used by that organisation. We've also added 'Fantasy" logos to the packs which are great for future saves and 'Create-A-Club' games. In fact, all the logos created in our Design Factory are included in the megapacks. We have also got an option for the 'Retro' fans with a great selection of historic logos from many teams and competitions. Each pack also contains our very own default minimal style for those logos we haven't yet covered. However, if you wish to stick with the original default logos from the FM series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file. Installation Guide - FMG Monthly Logo Updates Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. This MUST be done for all three sizes (512x512px, 50x36px and 25x18px) or you will have issues displaying the logos in-game. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. I would advise creating a copy of the original logos before replacing them.5 points -
Version 2025.01
FMG Standard Logos 2025.01 Pack & template by @Derek Research Team @schweigi @AndreaSSL1900 @cameosis @Markitos @Scy @ateesz @rioplworks @wfm18 @NassFas @Moondog777 @douyilmaz @Vasiliy92 @inohcanoss @Kriss @Lavegaks @moxey @AureliaNova @aeightBee Pack Contents Each pack consists of official logos which we referred to as 'Normal' logos. We offer 'Alternative' logos in each of our packs which are logos that clubs may wear as shirt logos, perhaps in different colours, anniversary editions but are all based on official logos used by that organisation. We've also added 'Fantasy" logos to the packs which are great for future saves and 'Create-A-Club' games. In fact, all the logos created in our Design Factory are included in the megapacks. We have also got an option for the 'Retro' fans with a great selection of historic logos from many teams and competitions. Each pack also contains our very own default minimal style for those logos we haven't yet covered. However, if you wish to stick with the original default logos from the FM series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file. Installation Guide - FMG Monthly Logo Updates Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. This MUST be done for all three sizes (512x512px, 50x36px and 25x18px) or you will have issues displaying the logos in-game. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. I would advise creating a copy of the original logos before replacing them.5 points -
Version 2025.03
FMG Standard Logos 2025.03 Pack and Template by @Derek Research Team @schweigi @AndreaSSL1900 @cameosis @Markitos @Scy @ateesz @rioplworks @Kriss @NassFas @OrangePulp @douyilmaz @Snazzus Pack Contents Each pack consists of official logos which we referred to as 'Normal' logos. We offer 'Alternative' logos in each of our packs which are logos that clubs may wear as shirt logos, perhaps in different colours, anniversary editions but are all based on official logos used by that organisation. We've also added 'Fantasy" logos to the packs which are great for future saves and 'Create-A-Club' games. In fact, all the logos created in our Design Factory are included in the megapacks. We have also got an option for the 'Retro' fans with a great selection of historic logos from many teams and competitions. Each pack also contains our very own default minimal style for those logos we haven't yet covered. However, if you wish to stick with the original default logos from the FM series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file. Installation Guide - FMG Monthly Logo Updates Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. This MUST be done for all three sizes (512x512px, 50x36px and 25x18px) or you will have issues displaying the logos in-game. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. I would advise creating a copy of the original logos before replacing them.5 points -
5 points
That's as many as I've got done guys. If anyone still requires logos from previous requests please bump the post in here. If not I'll assume they are no longer required.5 points
FMG Standard Logos Megapack This pack contains nearly 84,000 individual logos in original format. Pack and Template by @Derek Research Team @schweigi @AndreaSSL1900 @cameosis @Markitos @Alieeks @rioplworks @ateesz @diego1960 @heva. @Oleksandr_Horobets @The Newic @NassFas @Lavegaks @TehransVeryOwn @Vakama2619 @Thewes @tomek0290 @minky79 @ElMatador @Moondog777 @Copywriter @spankz @so17722 @hlourencoam @CobraHarp91 @Vasiliy92 @kristo @Manojl76 Pack Contents Each pack consists of official logos which we referred to as 'Normal' logos. We offer 'Alternative' logos in each of our packs which are logos that clubs may wear as shirt logos, perhaps in different colours, anniversary editions but are all based on official logos used by that organisation. We've also added 'Fantasy" logos to the packs which are great for future saves and 'Create-A-Club' games. In fact, all the logos created in our Design Factory are included in the megapacks. We have also got an option for the 'Retro' fans with a great selection of historic logos from many teams and competitions. This year we've also decided to introduce a new default minimal style for those logos we haven't yet covered. However, if you wish to stick with the original default logos from the Football Manager series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file. Club Logos - 75,339. - Normal 72,196, Alternative 1,547, Fantasy 936, Retro 660. Competition Logos - 7,279. - Normal 6,706, Alternative 419, Retro 154. International Logos - 683 - Normal 242, Alternative 78, Fantasy 77, Retro 286. Confederation Logos - 29. - Normal 7, Alternative 5, Retro 17. Media Logos - 270 - Normal 117, Alterative 147, Retro 6. Default Logos - 60 - FMG Minimal Style 30, Original FM Defaults 30 Total Logos - 83,660 *The figures and other information above are based on the Football Manager Graphics 'FMG Standard Logos Megapack (2024.00)' but may vary slightly from pack to pack. Installation Guide - FMG Logo Megapacks 1) Download the pack of your choice. 2) Unzip the files using an archiver. We recommend Winrar for Windows and Keka for Mac but most applications will work. https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0 https://www.keka.io/en/ 3) Once unpacked place your pack into the folder below based on your operating system. Windows: \Users\<your username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\graphics\ Mac OS: Users/YOUR MAC USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/graphics 4) Next you will want to go to FM and select 'Preferences' from the start screen or in your game and select 'Advanced". 5) Then untick 'Use caching to decrease page loading times'. 6) Next tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences'. 7) Finally, select 'Reload Skin' and after a brief pause your graphics will be visible. Installation Guide - FMG Monthly Logo Updates Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. This MUST be done for all four sizes (512x512px, 180x180px, 50x36px and 25x18px) or you will have issues displaying the logos in-game. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. I would advise creating a copy of the original logos before replacing them. FM Mobile Installation Guide - FMG Logo Megapacks 1) Download the pack of your choice. 2) Unzip the files using an archiver. We recommend Winrar for Windows and Keka for Mac but most applications will work. https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0 https://www.keka.io/en/ 3) Delete all @2x folder from the pack including Clubs, Competitions and Nations. 4) Copy the files from your computer to your mobile device. 5) Once the files are transferred place your pack into the folder below. Sigames/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023 Mobile/pictures/ 6) Open the game and your logos should display. If they don't, go to Sigames/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023 Mobile/cache folder on your device and delete any files that are present. Then restart your game. Helpful Tips & FAQ's Why are the packs so large in size? Each pack contains nearly 84,000 logos in four different sizes which means their are nearly 336,000 files included in each megapack. Each image is compressed using lossy compression at 60% minification which reduces the file size without compromising the quality. Why is my download taking so long? Simply put, same as above! The file size of each pack is considerable due to the amount of logos. It is also worth mentioning if you are downloading the packs around beta or full game release this can have an impact as it's our busiest time of the year by far. We use Amazon Web Services to host our files. We have tested every file once uploaded which includes downloading, unzipping and installing. Why does my download fail repeatedly? If your file download is repeatedly stopping at a certain point you should change your browser and start again. This only happens to a small percentage of people but the good news is 99% of the time the issue is resolved by following this advice. Please try this and keep it in mind before leaving a poor review or rating! Again, we have tested every file once uploaded which includes downloading, unzipping and installing. What is the purpose of the @2x images and can I remove these? The @2x logos are perfect for skins that use in-game zoom and offer a much higher quality logo experience. We recommend not deleting these files but the below options are available if you wish to reduce the pack size. Windows/Mac users can remove the 180x180px logos from each pack but from the 'Normal' folder only. You must move the config file to the @2x 'Normal' folder which contains the 512x512px logos. Do not remove any small logos. FM Mobile Users can remove all @2x logos as these are not used in mobile versions and can cause games to crash due to the file size. Can the megapacks be used on FM Mobile and FM Console? Yes. Our packs can be used across all platforms. However, as mentioned above we do recommend removing the @2x folders for FM Mobile/Console users. Can I remove the Alternative, Fantasy & Retro logos? Yes. If you have no interest in these items please feel free to delete them. I've installed an update but some logos are not displaying now, what can I do? 100% of the time we have had this issue is because the files for all four sizes have not been copied across to the megapack. Please make sure you follow the installation guide above by copying files over to the corresponding folders in the megapack. This importantly includes the @2x folders. Please ensure only the contents of the folders are moved across and not the actual folders to avoid overwriting the megapack. Can I replace the new FMG Minimal Default logos in the pack? Yes. If you wish to use the original default logos from the Football Manager series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file. Our feelings won't be hurt. Promise4 points
Version 2024.11
FMG Standard Logos 2024.11 Pack by Derek Research Team @schweigi @cameosis @Markitos @AndreaSSL1900 @rioplworks @Alieeks @Oleksandr_Horobets @Kriss @ateesz @hlourencoam @The Newic @GriloKiko @Shark @spankz @diego1960 @Heval @kristo @ni9ht1991 Installation Instructions Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin.4 points -
The final FM24 Logo Updates are now released. Thank you to everyone for being amazing this year once again and for all your hard work guys as these packs wouldn't happen without you. Between FMG and our partners Sortitoutsi we have surpassed ,, downloads of our logo packs for the very first time! Well done everyone I'll start working on the new FM25 Megapacks from tomorrow.4 points
Thanks guys amazing effort by all once again this month! The logo updates have now started. Any logos posted up until this point will be included in the final FM24 update and the new FM25 Megapacks. Anything posted after this point will be included in Update 2025.014 points
a correction regarding the nation logo for great britain - it should be the following (vector): nation logo - id 219003 responsible organizing body for the team, like a football association for the respective national football team. national team logo - id 2190034 points
Version 2024.09
FMG Standard Logos 2024.09 Pack by Derek Research Team @schweigi @cameosis @Markitos @AndreaSSL1900 @Lavegaks @NassFas @rioplworks @Vakama2619 @douyilmaz @Alieeks @diego1960 @Oleksandr_Horobets @OrangePulp @KirinoSuzumiya Installation Instructions Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin.4 points -
Version 2024.06
FMG Standard Logos 2024.06 Pack by Derek Research Team @schweigi @cameosis @Markitos @AndreaSSL1900 @minky79 @Shark @inohcanoss @kenolio @shadow @wfm18 @Lavegaks @sptndc @Heval @Kriss @NassFas @hlourencoam @Alieeks @rioplworks Installation Instructions Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. I would advise creating a copy of the original logos before replacing them.4 points -
Version 2024.00*
FMG Logos Megapack This pack contains nearly 84,000 individual logos in a glossy style. Pack and Template by @Derek Research Team @schweigi @AndreaSSL1900 @cameosis @Markitos @Alieeks @rioplworks @ateesz @diego1960 @heva. @Oleksandr_Horobets @The Newic @NassFas @Lavegaks @TehransVeryOwn @Vakama2619 @Thewes @tomek0290 @minky79 @ElMatador @Moondog777 @Copywriter @spankz @so17722 @hlourencoam @CobraHarp91 @Vasiliy92 @kristo @Manojl76 Pack Contents Each pack consists of official logos which we referred to as 'Normal' logos. We offer 'Alternative' logos in each of our packs which are logos that clubs may wear as shirt logos, perhaps in different colours, anniversary editions but are all based on official logos used by that organisation. We've also added 'Fantasy" logos to the packs which are great for future saves and 'Create-A-Club' games. In fact, all the logos created in our Design Factory are included in the megapacks. We have also got an option for the 'Retro' fans with a great selection of historic logos from many teams and competitions. This year we've also decided to introduce a new default minimal style for those logos we haven't yet covered. However, if you wish to stick with the original default logos from the Football Manager series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file. Club Logos - 75,339. - Normal 72,196, Alternative 1,547, Fantasy 936, Retro 660. Competition Logos - 7,279. - Normal 6,706, Alternative 419, Retro 154. International Logos - 683 - Normal 242, Alternative 78, Fantasy 77, Retro 286. Confederation Logos - 29. - Normal 7, Alternative 5, Retro 17. Media Logos - 270 - Normal 117, Alterative 147, Retro 6. Default Logos - 60 - FMG Minimal Style 30, Original FM Defaults 30 Total Logos - 83,660 *The figures and other information above are based on the Football Manager Graphics 'FMG Standard Logos Megapack (2024.00)' but may vary slightly from pack to pack. Installation Guide - FMG Logo Megapacks 1) Download the pack of your choice. 2) Unzip the files using an archiver. We recommend Winrar for Windows and Keka for Mac but most applications will work. https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0 https://www.keka.io/en/ 3) Once unpacked place your pack into the folder below based on your operating system. Windows: \Users\<your username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\graphics\ Mac OS: Users/YOUR MAC USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/graphics 4) Next you will want to go to FM and select 'Preferences' from the start screen or in your game and select 'Advanced". 5) Then untick 'Use caching to decrease page loading times'. 6) Next tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences'. 7) Finally, select 'Reload Skin' and after a brief pause your graphics will be visible. Installation Guide - FMG Monthly Logo Updates Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. This MUST be done for all four sizes (512x512px, 180x180px, 50x36px and 25x18px) or you will have issues displaying the logos in-game. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. I would advise creating a copy of the original logos before replacing them. FM Mobile Installation Guide - FMG Logo Megapacks 1) Download the pack of your choice. 2) Unzip the files using an archiver. We recommend Winrar for Windows and Keka for Mac but most applications will work. https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0 https://www.keka.io/en/ 3) Delete all @2x folder from the pack including Clubs, Competitions and Nations. 4) Copy the files from your computer to your mobile device. 5) Once the files are transferred place your pack into the folder below. Sigames/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023 Mobile/pictures/ 6) Open the game and your logos should display. If they don't, go to Sigames/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023 Mobile/cache folder on your device and delete any files that are present. Then restart your game. Helpful Tips & FAQ's Why are the packs so large in size? Each pack contains nearly 84,000 logos in four different sizes which means their are nearly 336,000 files included in each megapack. Each image is compressed using lossy compression at 60% minification which reduces the file size without compromising the quality. Why is my download taking so long? Simply put, same as above! The file size of each pack is considerable due to the amount of logos. It is also worth mentioning if you are downloading the packs around beta or full game release this can have an impact as it's our busiest time of the year by far. We use Amazon Web Services to host our files. We have tested every file once uploaded which includes downloading, unzipping and installing. Why does my download fail repeatedly? If your file download is repeatedly stopping at a certain point you should change your browser and start again. This only happens to a small percentage of people but the good news is 99% of the time the issue is resolved by following this advice. Please try this and keep it in mind before leaving a poor review or rating! Again, we have tested every file once uploaded which includes downloading, unzipping and installing. What is the purpose of the @2x images and can I remove these? The @2x logos are perfect for skins that use in-game zoom and offer a much higher quality logo experience. We recommend not deleting these files but the below options are available if you wish to reduce the pack size. Windows/Mac users can remove the 180x180px logos from each pack but from the 'Normal' folder only. You must move the config file to the @2x 'Normal' folder which contains the 512x512px logos. Do not remove any small logos. FM Mobile Users can remove all @2x logos as these are not used in mobile versions and can cause games to crash due to the file size. Can the megapacks be used on FM Mobile and FM Console? Yes. Our packs can be used across all platforms. However, as mentioned above we do recommend removing the @2x folders for FM Mobile/Console users. Can I remove the Alternative, Fantasy & Retro logos? Yes. If you have no interest in these items please feel free to delete them. I've installed an update but some logos are not displaying now, what can I do? 100% of the time we have had this issue is because the files for all four sizes have not been copied across to the megapack. Please make sure you follow the installation guide above by copying files over to the corresponding folders in the megapack. This importantly includes the @2x folders. Please ensure only the contents of the folders are moved across and not the actual folders to avoid overwriting the megapack. Can I replace the new FMG Minimal Default logos in the pack? Yes. If you wish to use the original default logos from the Football Manager series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file.3 points -
For tuttocampo images, to get the full size, change 120 in the url (example: https://content-s3.tuttocampo.it/Teams/120/1166153.png?v=5, or whatever size the image is) to "Original" (example: https://content-s3.tuttocampo.it/Teams/Original/1166153.png?v=5) You get this: Into this: I labeled the images from tuttocampo as TC.3 points
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So I'm waiting on some logos for the updates and need a break from kits. I decided to try something a bit different. What do you think? I know some pics include old kits but it's more the look I'm working on. Screenshots on Material skin provided below.3 points
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https://web.facebook.com/p/Trinidad-and-Tobago-Premier-Football-League-2-1000926203159373 points
@NassFas i would like to not have to double check your uploads in the future anymore - this is a HANDBALL competition, and has nothing to do with football. the central logo is of the icelandic handball federation, the website is the official site of the icelandic handball federation. checking the website is a matter of seconds. https://www.hsi.is/ we are in no rush to find correct logos, because we don’t compete with anybody in the graphics community. therefore, VERIFICATION is the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY, not speedy submissions. you contribute greatly to the graphics packs and unfortunately there has also been a considerable number of incorrect submissions in the past, i recall instances where @schweigi and @Markitos pointed out ids that were part of custom databases and not the official database; others were where i pointed out outdated or incorrect logos and only recently i suggested avoiding terms like »correct« if the logo hasn’t been verified or you’re absolutely certain about it. i’m telling you this because i appreciate your time and effort you put in - the errors have conditioned me to check and verify your submissions by default, which i don’t believe does your activity justice, but it also takes up my time and i’d prefer i spend it on making graphics packs to be released to the public. thanks!3 points
Version 2025.02
FMG Standard Logos 2025.02 Pack and Template by @Derek Research Team @schweigi @AndreaSSL1900 @cameosis @Markitos @Scy @ateesz @inohcanoss @rioplworks @wfm18 @Lavegaks @Kriss @NassFas @Moondog777 Pack Contents Each pack consists of official logos which we referred to as 'Normal' logos. We offer 'Alternative' logos in each of our packs which are logos that clubs may wear as shirt logos, perhaps in different colours, anniversary editions but are all based on official logos used by that organisation. We've also added 'Fantasy" logos to the packs which are great for future saves and 'Create-A-Club' games. In fact, all the logos created in our Design Factory are included in the megapacks. We have also got an option for the 'Retro' fans with a great selection of historic logos from many teams and competitions. Each pack also contains our very own default minimal style for those logos we haven't yet covered. However, if you wish to stick with the original default logos from the FM series simply delete our version in the megapack and unzip 'Original Default Logos' file. Installation Guide - FMG Monthly Logo Updates Drag and drop the contents (including the config files) of each folder in this update pack into the corresponding folder in the megapack and replace the existing logos when prompted. Do not drag and drop the actual folders as this will overwrite your megapack. This MUST be done for all three sizes (512x512px, 50x36px and 25x18px) or you will have issues displaying the logos in-game. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. Alternative | Fantasy | Retro Logos To use any of the alternative, fantasy or retro logos in game you must remove the text at the end of each logo i.e. alt, retro or fantasy and drag and drop into the normal logo folder in the megapack. You will need to repeat this for all four sizes. Then simply go to preferences in FM and reload your skin. I would advise creating a copy of the original logos before replacing them.3 points -
retraced images/logos are fine as placeholders until a better version/resolution is available, but they are not improvements, as the quality is in fact worse thanks to the auto tracing, and shouldn’t be labeled as such.3 points
no, this is not correct - this is a fantasy logo. druga NL is the THIRD LEAGUE, not the second. the second league used to be called druga HNL. the correct logos for the croatian league competitions are already included and shouldn’t be touched until there is an official redesign or update. i have posted the vectors just a week ago, scroll up on this page. the naming after the reform has been discussed and explained at length in the thread.3 points
Excelsior Rotterdam has no reserve team in the official DB. ID 2000340176 belongs to Argentinian Women Team Club Atlético Camioneros de Córdoba.3 points
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All updates are now released for the normal megapacks. I'll release the mobile versions tomorrow. All logos up until this point are included apart from the last post and some logos which I could not use. Lots of cool alternative logos in the packs thanks to our upcoming kit megapack. Thank you to everyone for their hard work as always.3 points
Bodrum FK logo in package says "BODRUMFK", while official logo says "BODRUMSPOR." Also, Galatasaray logo in package doesn't have black border. I uploaded Gençlerbirliği and Rizespor logo because logo in package has wrong font and design. I uploaded official logos being used.3 points
vectors: https://campeonatochileno.cl/uploads/ascenso-clinicas-achs-salud/imagen/1710852753443_DWS_2024_6.svg https://campeonatochileno.cl/uploads/copa-chile-coca-cola-sin-azucar/imagen/1713559986563_DWS_2024_10.svg https://campeonatochileno.cl/uploads/proyeccion-fundacion-collahuasi/imagen/1712006408797_DWS_2024_9.svg bigger resolution, and alternative: don’t recall if these vectors have been posted previously: segunda liga chile: https://campeonatochileno.cl/uploads/segunda-la-liga-2d/imagen/1711134930397_DWS_2024_2.svg campeonato femenino chile: https://campeonatochileno.cl/uploads/femenino-sqm/imagen/1709816834291_DWS_2024_0.svg3 points
adding to what markitos wrote, i had posted these logos as vectors already, cheers. it's helpful to use the search function of the site to check, because the sheer amount of logos for our pack creator derek means we need to do the filtering.3 points
Hi, I see you are new, please don't post IDs of extinct competitions with new logos. Wait to see what ID the new competition has. For example, you are putting the logo of the new AFC Champions League Two with ID of another competition, the correct ID is 2000347776 Sometimes the ID is the same (as with the AFC Champions Elite) and sometimes it is not.3 points
I decided to release a (minor) last update to the 2024 skin. All improvements and some bug fixes I posted here are included. Updated the intro screen as well (always have the manager of the current Champions League winner on the cover and the previous year winning manager in the small window). Will send out download link and encryption password to all users this weekend! Given the upcoming major changes in FM25 I have not decided yet if I want to purchase this new game and will likely continue to play FM24 with data updates instead. As per SI Games latest news with Miles Jacobsen some functionality will be removed in return Women's football will be implemented. The release date has also been pushed back which raises some concerns of the state the game will be in when it will be (finally) released. I prefer not to buy and play a potentially buggy and unfinished product and as FM24 works fine for me for the time being I will play this game. Could be that when the game is released and it turns out no major issues (besides the removed International Management option and other changes made) are clear I will have a look at FM25 later on to see if I want to start skinning this new game. Please realize that even from SI Games' own comments, FM25 will be a completely new game, with a new interface, new game engine etc. So likely every skin will need to be rebuild "from the ground up" and that means A LOT of work for all skinners out there. For now this update will likely be the last one for FM2024, have fun with the game and the skin!!!3 points
FMGraphics only does Logos megapacks however we do kits, but individual ones Please check our FM kit section3 points
3 points
Teams’ names above and logos in the same order below! Real Normanna [new logo] ID - 43607833 Blue Devils [new logo] ID - 43126941 Bacoli [new logo] ID - 2000051842 Frattese [new logo] ID - 43156692 Cellole [new logo] ID - 43077471 Virtus Liburia [new logo] ID - 2000020706 Pompeiana [new logo] ID - 43391416 Casal Di Principe [new logo] ID - 2000020708 Poggiomarino Marchesa [new logo] ID - 2000256698 Portici [new logo] ID - 43127073 Buccino Volcei [new logo for 100 years] ID -43269895 Virtus Serino [new logo] ID - 43157990 Rione Terra [new logo] ID - 43126896 Alta Hirpinia Sport [new logo] ID - 43157193 Somma Vesuviana [new logo] ID - 831369 Gragnano [new logo] ID - 43210770 Pontecagnano Faiano [new logo] ID - 43386075 Sei Casali [new logo] ID - 43386073 Mariglianese [new logo] ID - 43157971 Casoria [new logo] ID - 43048780 Boys Caivanese [new logo] ID - 7980364 Frocalcio [new logo] ID - 2000280982 Sporting Pontecagnano [new logo] ID - 430784883 points
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The All’In’One logos rose from their ashes last year, approaching the release of Football Manager 2023. And for what result in the end ? More than 100K downloads and a significant international reach with approximately 200K “viewers” between the sites and the various social networks. This year again, the objective is to offer you even more extensive content with clubs from distant countries and also more and more competitions, all with the aim of making your Football Manager as complete as possible from a point of view. FEATURES : All'in'One 24.1All'in'One 24.23 points
3 points
The logo updates have now started. Any logos that are posted up until this point will be included in this months updates. Thank you as always to everyone for their hard work and dedication.3 points
Version 24.1
The All’In’One logos rose from their ashes last year, approaching the release of Football Manager 2023. And for what result in the end ? More than 100K downloads and a significant international reach with approximately 200K “viewers” between the sites and the various social networks. This year again, the objective is to offer you even more extensive content with clubs from distant countries and also more and more competitions, all with the aim of making your Football Manager as complete as possible from a point of view. Features :3 points