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FM Stadium Pack


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Hi guys

I've set up this section to start researching the Stadium Pack by @ElMatador. This will work in the same way as the Logo Update thread by including the image, ID and name.

Some info from ElMatador on sizes etc below. It would be great to have all your input to help improve and expand on the pack if you are interested.


"To get the best result the image needs to be in 1200x720 or at least 800x480 for the difficult images.  The pack is based on "inside stadium" images.

I also noted that the ID can change if you use the Real Name Fix from Sortitoutsi. You will notice there is more then one photo of the stadium of Betis in the pack, this is because the I guess the editor data files change the stadium ID of the given club. This something to take note."

Here is the base pack which contains over 5,000 images of inside stadium pics.

@cameosis @AndreaSSL1900 @Markitos @schweigi @Alieeks @Lavegaks @rioplworks @ateesz @diego1960 @Heval @Oleksandr_Horobets @The Newic @NassFas @TehransVeryOwn @Vakama2619 @Thewes @tomek0290 @minky79 @Moondog777 @kristo @Copywriter @spankz @so17722 @hlourencoam @CobraHarp91 @Vasiliy92 @Manojl76

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On 18/11/2023 at 21:48, AndreaSSL1900 said:

further down you go into the Italian lower leagues, the more difficult it is to find something that comes close to being considered a stadium. Often they are simple sports fields with a fence, some stands and an athletics track but I will do my best. Of course i'm in

I've single handed did the Serie Italian Eccellenza (all the regions and redone some others) and also did some of the work at Serie D, but its quite difficult to find quality images of clubs that reached (or harshly) the upper leagues (Serie C up worth).

Countries as Portugal, have nearly no quality images (in the lower leagues) and its the same in Italy, this is why its important that people share what they find, every little bit helps. My objective was\is to create a quality pack and verify some unknown issues as what you state.

Hopefully more people will join us. 

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On 19/11/2023 at 06:30, AndreaSSL1900 said:

Brindisi stadium is wrong. Isn't Stadio Erasmo Iacovone ( ID 1264) but they are back to play in their home stadium Franco Fanuzzi (ID 832109 already in the pack)

Better picture



The issue with incorrect ID to a certain club is something we have to be aware of because the game doesn't do help us a great bit with it, sometimes incorrectly giving the wrong stadium to the club.

I normally contact the SI researchers from X or Y country because of it. Lately had to inform about a certain stadium of a club in the second league in Japan that wasn't correct. If you notice it, please also inform the researchers so that it will be dealt with in the DB. This will facilitate our work as well.

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14 hours ago, AndreaSSL1900 said:

Here the pack to complete Italy 4th tier stadiums


@AndreaSSL1900Thank you! I will create an add on pack with the new stadiums. Try sending in packs that will definitely help allot. 👍

I will firstly take a look at those who are missing, because I have to adjust images to the required 1200x720 and 800x480 (inside the stadium, with possibly a stand and field on view). 

The issues with clubs playing in the wrong stadiums have to be dealt by SI and inform them via their page so that they correct the wrong stadiums in the given database, otherwise I would have to change the DB. I inform them in Japan about a wrong stadium and still they did nothing about it in the last update after the public release. 😬

From what I know this recurrent and that's unfortunately.  I'm trying to build a good pack with quality images so will focus on that.  

I reviewed South Korea (both leagues) so that the images are up to date an the missing images are dealt with. At this pois I'm trying to build a new foundation for the pack, so that we have a complete one.



Edited by ElMatador
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On 25/11/2023 at 18:17, NassFas said:

Here are some of my submissions to the sortitoutsi stadium pack.


Thank you I will take a look at it.

On 26/11/2023 at 11:41, Heval said:

I will take and do what I can from the pack you've sent and adapt, some images are just to small to do so. 

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15 hours ago, ElMatador said:

Thank you I will take a look at it.

I will take and do what I can from the pack you've sent and adapt, some images are just to small to do so. 

unfortunately a lot of the stadiums are being newly built and under renovations so its hard to find good photos

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On 07/12/2023 at 22:47, AndreaSSL1900 said:

Thank you for your help.

I added most of the images in the new update, but some of the stadium were already in the pack. However, some of the images you have sent were better so replaced them.

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